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Author:Liz Talley

“Men always say that, but I refuse to buy new pants. I have to mind my pennies now that I’m a single working mother,” Cricket said, jerking her head toward the bar. Griffin obediently rose and went to find something else for Cricket to drink, mumbling about liking tight pants.

“You should take Cricket up on her offer, Juke,” I said, sipping a crisp pinot grigio that Dak had ordered in just for me. “She’s great with binoculars.”

Cricket rolled her eyes. “Both ends looked the same. And I am good at being a detective. I have a manual that tells me all kinds of stuff. I can open envelopes for you.”

Juke looked a little panicked, cupping his coffee and staring into the dark liquid within.

“You know she’s just teasing you, Juke,” I said.

“Oh, good,” he responded.

“I’m not sure I am. I think I could be helpful. You know, on a big case. I might take the course,” Cricket said as Griffin approached, handing her off a glass of what was likely the same thing I had. Dak followed him, carrying a bottled water.

“Well, I would like to propose a toast,” I said, lifting my glass. “To new friends, to old friends, and to catching cheaterpants and seeing them punished.”

“Hear! Hear!” Juke said, lifting his coffee mug.

Dak bumped his water bottle against my glass, a smile hovering on his delicious lips. I slipped one hand under my thigh just as a reminder.

Griffin clinked his beer to Cricket’s glass and then to mine.

Finally, Cricket looked at me and smiled. “To both of us. For being courageous. For tearing away the old. For making something new.”

We clinked our glasses as everyone said, “Cheers!”


First, I would like to thank my agent, Michelle Grajkowski, who signed me on the premise of this book. It took my writing twenty books before Cricket finally got her spotlight. Thanks for believing in me and making me feel like I’m a fantastic writer on the days I doubt. Most people don’t know that agents don’t just hustle the books; they hustle the author’s fragile ego. Your red-and-white pom-poms are appreciated. Go, Badgers!

Next, thanks to Greg Lott, president of Progressive Bank, who helped me with the particulars of Ponzi schemes and money laundering. Scott Crosby couldn’t come close to holding a candle to you. You’re a true man of honor. I’m so happy to call you friend.

A hearty thanks to Brian Ong, who answered questions about offshore accounts and how the investigation would proceed. Any mistakes are mine. I probably made some. But they weren’t yours. Thanks for giving me your time.

I’m ever so grateful to Jamie Beck, who read the early manuscript and offered advice. I’m so glad to call such a fine writer my good friend.

Love my FFTH deadline pals. I can never, ever thank you all enough for your support, friendship, kicks in the pants, hand-holding, advice, cheering, and everything else you all give me every day. Friendship weathers hard times, mistakes, and failings. I’m so glad that we hold each other up and find our friendship worthwhile. I truly love you, Sonali Dev, Barbara O’Neal, Priscilla Oliveras, Tracy Brogan, Falguni Kothari, Virginia Kantra, Sally Kilpatrick, and Jamie Beck. You chicks are my glue.

Without mis amigas Phylis Caskey, Jennifer Moorhead, and (occasionally) the talented Ashley Elston (who refuses to make a goal sheet), life would be pretty cloudy. You bring the sunshine. Thank you for the brainstorming, the walks, and the unfailing support.

As always, I am grateful to my publishing team. My acquiring editor, Alison Dasho, is clever, humorous, and makes the cutest children. She also intuitively knows what my books need. She has my back, always trusting me to make good decisions with the story line. Her faith is cherished, and I have been so honored to work with her time and again on stories with teeth and heart. My sincere appreciation to Selina McLemore, who fiercely makes suggestions for the better and always protects the heart of the story. She gets me. I’m always super appreciative of my copyediting and proofreading team. It’s a hard job. And they do it with care and conviction. Another high five to my crackerjack marketing team and the author-care team at Amazon. You guys and gals are great at what you do.

I am thankful to have good friends and family. Not to get maudlin, but what’s all this worth without people to share my victories and my defeats? Shout to Tuscany Krewe, the Wine Posse, Long Lake Mamas, MHS Besties, Bayou Book Bitches, Your Book Escape Authors, Tuesday Lunch Bunch, FUMC circle, my Zumba ladies, and all the other friend groups who love me, support me, and make life worth living.