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Electric Idol(Dark Olympus #2)(116)

Author:Katee Robert

Eros sits next to me in the back of the car. He hasn’t said a word since Ares’s people showed up. He’s stayed close to me, but I can’t read the expression on his face. He’s iced me out. I open my mouth but decide against speaking before any words escape. We aren’t alone, and this needs to play out before we can have anything resembling an honest conversation.

I don’t know if he’ll forgive me for lying to his face and going behind his back.

We reach Dodona Tower and are escorted up to Zeus’s office. He’s waiting for us in nearly the exact same position he was during our last meeting. He glances up as we walk through the doors, his gaze landing on the soldiers behind us. “Leave us.”

They obey instantly. I’ve never had much desire to have power for the sake of power, but his ability to state commands and have people leap to obey is something that would be useful. Especially right now.

Zeus rubs his temples. For a moment, he almost looks tired, but it passes and then he’s the implacable cold man he’s always been in my presence. “When I said I needed evidence, I didn’t mean I wanted you to stream that evidence to half of Olympus.”

“The entirety of Olympus will have seen it by dinnertime.” I clasp my hands in front of me, hoping he doesn’t notice the way they shake. “Especially once MuseWatch picks it up, which we both know they will. A homicidal Aphrodite makes for juicy headlines.”

“She’ll be exiled.” He sits back, blue eyes cold. “But then, that’s what you wanted, isn’t it?”

It’s exactly what I wanted. Killing Aphrodite, whether sanctioned execution or no, will hurt Eros. He’s shouldered enough hurt for a lifetime. I know I can’t shield him from it forever, but I can do this. “Yes, that’s what I wanted.”

Zeus shifts his attention to Eros. “And you. There are plenty of crimes to lay at your feet. I should exile you as well. It’s not only the Thirteen who will pay the price for breaking one of our most sacred laws; it’s also anyone they loop into the plot.”

“No!” I cry out before I can stop myself.

Zeus shakes his head slowly. “I would have done it. However, the situation has changed.”

The shift is too unexpected. I stare at him blankly. What could have possibly changed that saves Eros from punishment? “Because it was livestreamed?”

“No.” He gives me a long look. “Because you’re family now, and unfortunately, that allows you—and your husband—some leniency. As such, I will not be pursuing any sort of charges against either of you. However, this is your one and only warning. If you continue to plot and scheme and make my life difficult, I will make examples of both of you.”

Family? I frown. “What are you talking about?”

He leans forward and presses a button on his phone. “Send her in.”

Behind me, the door opens and familiar footsteps sound. Horror keeps my feet planted in place, but it doesn’t save me from the truth as my oldest sister rounds me and Eros and moves to stand at Zeus’s shoulder. Callisto is wearing a black dress, the sheer simplicity of the cut only serving to highlight her stark beauty. She doesn’t touch Zeus, standing a careful foot away, but there’s no denying what’s happened.

It’s written there on the giant diamond on her ring finger.

“No,” I whisper.

For his part, Zeus doesn’t seem overly smug. He just looks bored with this conversation. “The engagement will be announced in a few days. The wedding will be this spring. Under no circumstances are you to do anything to endanger that, or I will exile every member of your family.” His gaze flicks to Eros. “As well as your husband.”

“But—” I choke back my protest when Callisto shakes her head very slightly. When she said she’d take care of it, I was afraid she’d try to murder Zeus or something equally violent. I didn’t think she’d agree to marry him. Her words from yesterday come back to me.

You and Persephone have been taking care of us long enough. I’ll handle this.

I have to respect her choice; even if I don’t understand it, I know Callisto too well to believe anyone forced her into this decision, not if she didn’t want to do this.

I clear my throat. “Welcome to the family, Zeus.”

“Better, but I expect smiles and happy words when we officially announce the engagement. You will be nothing less than effusive and supportive.” He looks out the window for a long moment and then back at us. “That concludes things. You won’t be allowed contact with Aphrodite until she’s removed from the city. There will be a press conference in the morning that I do not want you to attend.”