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Author:Jennifer Saint

At this, Aegisthus relaxed a little. ‘I had hoped you would say as much,’ he said. He stepped closer, closing the gap between us. I could see the sheen on his forehead, pale and damp in the moonlight. I felt a strange clutching in my chest, an almost protective urge. ‘There was no one in this world,’ he continued, ‘with more reason to hate that man than me – until he committed a more abominable murder than I would have thought him capable of worthless jackal as he is.’

A thrill ran through me. Hardly anyone dared to speak of Agamemnon’s act. Women I had known my whole time in Mycenae would dart away from me, dissolve into crowds or disappear around corners rather than look into my face and see my pain. But I knew how it was spoken of away from me. A sacrifice, they would call it. An agony beyond imagining, a torturous dilemma: his beloved daughter set against his kingdom and country; one girl’s life versus the ambition of all of Greece. Behind my back, they would say his deed was a noble one, that Artemis set her terrible price and of all the men in his army, only Agamemnon had the courage to pay it.

‘When I heard that he had murdered Iphigenia . . .’ Aegisthus said.

No one said her name any more. Not the slave-girls of the palace who had loved her; even her own sisters would not say it aloud. To hear it now, in this stranger’s mouth, was like the shock of cold water on burning skin. ‘Go on,’ I whispered.

‘The man that stormed this palace – who killed my father in front of my eyes whilst I screamed and begged for mercy – I could not believe that even such a beast as that could slaughter his own child for a fair wind,’ he said.

The tears started coursing down my face before he could finish his sentence. No one said such things. It was as though this young man had emerged from nowhere and begun to articulate the rage and pain that stormed inside me.

‘I do not wish to cause you more pain.’ He stumbled over his words. I shook my head, unable to wrench out any speech, but waving my hand in a way that I hoped conveyed to him that I wanted him to carry on, to please carry on. ‘Forgive me for speaking of her like this. But when I learned of how depraved this false king truly is . . .’ His face transformed from solicitous to seething in a blink. He swallowed hard again, his chest rising and falling as he sought control once more. ‘I wondered if there was someone else in the world with even more reason to hate him than me.’

He had seemed an unlikely villain, this ungainly, painfully anxious young man, but I understood. The force of his hatred had overcome his fear and brought him I did not know how far, across which ocean or from what place of safety, here to me in the place where his father had died before his helpless eyes; a place that might still cost him his own life. But I knew how easy a decision it must have been; how hatred crystallised the world, how it made everything so simple.

‘I don’t need your help,’ I told him.

‘But I need yours,’ he said. That seam of anguish in his voice, the one that threatened to crack and break him apart. I had felt myself a block of stone since I watched Iphigenia spiral into grey smoke. My living daughters had cried in my arms and my throat had closed around any words of comfort that I might have spoken. My baby was born and all I had known was indifference. But somehow, this stranger’s pain made me flinch. Perhaps it was that I could see through to the very centre of him, his beating heart exposed to me, mirroring mine. The shriek of agony in our souls, that could only be soothed by one thing. Revenge.

I stared at the quiver in his tender throat. I wanted to touch his skin. I could not bear for anyone else to come close to me. If my daughters flung their arms about my neck, I could only feel their skin cold and lifeless to my touch, could only see their eyes vacant and staring, could only think of their flesh melting on a funeral pyre. Aegisthus though, seemed like a man already dead. I knew it, because I was as well. What else could I be, when my soul was drifting down the dank and winding path to the Underworld, unable to break that tether between me and my lovely girl, as though the cord between us had never been split at all? Only my body was here, and it lingered for one purpose. Aegisthus and I might have been two ghosts standing there in the courtyard – and, if we were, then who could stand in judgement of us?

I felt the shock ripple through his body as I cupped my hands around his face and drew it close to mine. When I kissed him, he tasted sweet. It was not the sour tang of fear in his mouth or the dry, papery cracks of his lips. It was something else that made it so delicious. My husband’s cousin. Son of his rival. An enemy more hate-filled than any massing within the walls of Troy, and more surely set upon his blood than anyone living. Anyone, that is, except for me.

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