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Elite (Empire High, #2)(112)

Author:Ivy Smoak

“We’re going for milkshakes,” Isabella said as Donnelley climbed into the front seat. The little separator between the front and back of the limo was down.

“I think I should just take you girls home,” Donnelley said.

“No. We want milkshakes.”


“Milkshakes, Donnelley!” Isabella screamed.

“Isabella,” I said. “Maybe we should just go home.”

She stared at me like she was going to rip my face off when I said the word home. But it was just for a second. Her face morphed into a fake smile right away. “We can go home after we get milkshakes,” she said loud enough for Donnelley to hear. “Give me one second, chicas.” She went to the separator and started whispering at Donnelley. But it seemed a lot more like she was hissing at him.

“Mmm,” Kennedy said as she lifted up a glass of champagne.

“I think that’s enough alcohol for one night,” I said and grabbed the glass out of her hand.

“You’re no fun. Isabella’s fun.”


“We’re all set,” Isabella said as she sat down between me and Kennedy. “Milkshakes then home.”

Great. They started talking about elephants again. I looked out the window at the busy city streets. Sir Wilfred nestled into my side. He actually looked kinda cute when he wasn’t being a menace.

“Where are we getting milkshakes from?” I asked. The buildings were starting to get more spread out and more rundown. Surely there was a fast food place closer to our apartment.

“Oh there’s a little local joint that I think you’ll appreciate. I think it’ll remind you of your real home.”

Okay. She was being even weirder than usual. Kennedy snored.

I reached out to shake her awake. “Kennedy.” It didn’t seem like a good idea for her to be asleep without drinking gallons of water first.

“Don’t bother,” Isabella said. “She won’t be waking up for roughly…five hours.”

“What?” I climbed out of my seat. “Kennedy.” I grabbed her shoulders. “Wake up.” I shook her. What the fuck is happening? “Kennedy!”

Isabella laughed. “Tragic, isn’t it? That someone like her could possibly ever believe that I would be friends with them? Like I’d ever be friends with a mutt.”

God, you hateful bitch. I turned to face her. “What did you do?” I tried to keep my voice even, but I’m pretty sure it betrayed me.

She just laughed.

For a few minutes, I thought that she and Kennedy were actually friends. But Isabella wasn’t capable of having real friendships. She was demonic. “What did you do to her?!”

Isabella brushed some unseen piece of lint off her shoulder. “I slipped something in her drink. And then learned just enough about her to manipulate her into getting you both in my limo with me tonight. You know…the usual.”

Oh God. “Wh…why?” I hated how much my voice shook.

“You’re about to find out, sillykins. That’s half the fun, don’t you think?”

The limo pulled to a stop.

I looked out the window. We were definitely in some kind of parking lot. I squinted and saw what looked like a rundown warehouse in the darkness. Shit.

“Now get the hell out of my car,” Isabella said.

“What are you talking about? I’m not getting out here.” I turned back to Kennedy. “Kennedy, wake up.” I shook her harder, but her head just lolled forward. Please, Kennedy. You’re not a mutt. You’re perfect. I’m sorry I was a bad friend tonight. But I love you. Wake up.

“Get out of my limo, peasant.”

Then I heard a noise that I’d only ever heard in movies. The sound of a gun being cocked.

It felt like my heart was beating in my throat. I turned to see a pink pistol pointed right at my forehead. Oh my God, she really is going to kill me. And it wasn’t like she just picked up a random gun. It was pink. She owned the thing. Mr. Pruitt had to know she owned a gun. He knew what she was capable of and he still let her have a weapon?

I dropped Kennedy’s shoulders. “Isabella…”

“Get out. Now.”

I didn’t want to leave Kennedy like this. But my brains getting blown out wouldn’t exactly help anything. And it would be better if I got Isabella and her gun away from Kennedy. I backed up, my butt hitting the door. I felt behind me for the handle and pushed the door open.

Sir Wilfred whimpered as I climbed out of the limo, followed by Isabella. She slammed the door so her dog couldn’t follow us.