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Empire High Betrayal

Author:Ivy Smoak

Empire High Betrayal

Ivy Smoak

Chapter 1



With each step I took, the more determined I became. I couldn’t let Isabella win. Not like this. Not ever. Someone needed to stand up to her. And that someone was going to be me.

I tried to ignore the cold autumn air biting at my skin. I tried to ignore the rough pavement on my bare feet. I tried to keep my head held high.

But when Isabella’s limo sped off, splashing water all over me, my shoulders crumpled forward and my tears started to fall again.

Who was I kidding? I’d been given plenty of chances to stand up to Isabella, and all I had ever done was cower. Just because I was half Pruitt didn’t mean I could play the same evil games as her. Isabella would always have the upper hand. She’d always win.

Stop it. My mom raised me to believe in myself. To believe that people could get through hard times. Then why isn’t she here with me? Why’d she have to die?

My tears wouldn’t stop. For some reason crying brought up all the memories. My last moments holding my mom’s hand in her hospital bed. The image morphed in my head, and instead of my mom in a hospital bed it was my uncle.

What the hell was I fighting for when I’d already lost everything?

I swallowed hard. Matt. Kennedy. Myself. I was fighting for myself. I wiped away the stubborn tears off my cheeks. I was fighting for my freaking self.

I was still standing after everything that I’d been through. And I’d keep standing through this too. I just needed to figure out what to do next. I was naked in the middle of the city with no money.

Shit. What was I supposed to do all night? The bus station that Isabella had mentioned wasn’t a bad option. If I could sneak into the terminal in my skivvies without being seen, then maybe I could hide in the bathroom all night. It would be warm and relatively safe. The only people that hung out in bus station terminals at night were homeless. And that was me. I’d fit right in. And I’d have plenty of time to figure out how I could make sure Kennedy was safe without alerting Isabella that I hadn’t left town.

I opened up the soggy map that Isabella had dropped at my feet. You horrible witch. It was a map of the city, but she’d crossed out tons of landmarks to make it harder to figure out where I was. I didn’t see a single bus station listed either. And even if there had been one, it would have been hard to decipher because across the map in big bolded letters, she’d written SORRY NOT SORRY.

What is wrong with her? I turned the map in my hands, trying to find something that made sense. She’d said 10 blocks, right? I scanned the map again, squinting in the dark. There was no bus station listed that I could make out. Unless it was one of the things she’d crossed out. And I didn’t even know where the hell I was, so I had no idea which direction to start walking. Knowing Isabella, she probably dropped me in the middle of nowhere.

I heard a crashing noise behind me and spun around. “Hello?” I pulled the map in front of me, even though I was more worried about being murdered than showing off my underwear.

There was no response.

A bus station was fairly safe. An abandoned parking lot surrounded by rundown industrial buildings? Not so much. Another crashing noise made me turn around again. There was nothing there. But I’d heard it. I backed away slowly and tripped over something. Whatever it was sliced into my skin as I fell onto the hard pavement.

Damn it. I looked down at the line of blood on my ankle. I was naked and bleeding and now I had tetanus. I heard another loud noise and tried not to cry out. If there was someone out there, I didn’t want them to know where I was. I’d already called hello like an idiot. I stayed low and crawled away from the spot. Staying low was good. That was a thing, I was pretty sure. Or was it serpentining? Ow. My left knee just nicked something too.

I looked down and something glinted in the moonlight. Peeking out the top of my bra was the keycard that James had given me. Oh thank God. It felt like a miracle. How had I forgotten about the keycard? James being an asshole was the best thing that had ever happened to me! Now I had somewhere to go that was safe. I could head back to the hotel.

How long had we been driving since leaving homecoming? Twenty minutes maybe? In New York traffic that was like…just a few miles, right? I could get back to the hotel and ask James for help. As far as I was concerned, he owed me. I could swear him to secrecy so he wouldn’t tell Isabella I was still in New York. It was the perfect plan.

I didn’t know where I was, but I’d recognize something eventually. I just needed to start moving. And I needed to get as far away from here as possible.

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