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Fake It Till You Bake It(113)

Author:Jamie Wesley

Jada lifted the floor-length hem of her dress to reveal the Crocs she’d changed into midway through the night. She cut off his laughter with her mouth. It had been ninety-two days, four hours, and approximately twenty-three minutes since she’d last kissed him. She was not throwing away her shot. Now or ever again.


“Damn, woman, you look good,” Donovan said as Jada stepped onto the patio at his house.

“Thank you. Thank you.” Jada did a little twirl, squeeing as the thigh-high slit in her teal dress opened to reveal her right leg and her silver Louboutin stilettos. “You don’t look half bad yourself.”

Donovan stroked his chin. “I try.”

He did more than try. He wore a custom charcoal gray suit that hugged his wide shoulders and showed off his powerful legs. His crisp white shirt contrasted perfectly against his skin. His teal tie matched her dress exactly.

He was the handsomest man she’d ever seen, and he was all hers.

In a few months, they would stand in front of their family and friends to make it official, but today, they were taking engagement photos. She couldn’t wait.

He tugged at his tie. “Was it really necessary for us to get all dressed up for this? We could’ve worn Sugar Blitz polos for old time’s sake.”

Jada shot him a look. “Sir, first of all, we already incorporated Sugar Blitz with the teal. More importantly, these are our engagement photos, not an ad for your business.”

Donovan snorted. “You just want to flex on Instagram.”

She lifted her chin. “No, I want a symbol of our love immortalized on film. This is a full circle moment for us. Rose did our first photo shoot, and she’s doing this one. It’s perfect.”

He side-eyed her.

“And okay, yes, I want to flex on Instagram for all the #JaDon haters. Besides, can you blame me? We look so good.”

Donovan’s shoulders shook with laughter.

Joy swept through her at the carefree sound. She’d never get tired of seeing him happy. She’d never get tired of knowing she brought him as much joy as he brought her.

Things with his dad weren’t perfect—they probably never would be—but Donovan had returned to Oakland for a heart-to-heart chat with his dad, and his father had agreed to get help for his gambling addiction. He’d even followed through a few months later, and so far, so good.

“I love you,” she murmured. Sometimes, she still couldn’t believe she could say that whenever the mood struck.

“Come here,” he murmured, wrapping an arm around her waist and drawing her toward him. Jada eagerly rose on her toes to meet his descending lips.

“No, no, no,” Rose said, joining them on the patio. “Save that for the photos.”

They groaned, but broke apart and followed her to the beach.

“Don’t say a word,” she said to Donovan as she stumbled over the sand. Maybe the Louboutins weren’t the best choice given the location, but she loved them.

“I wouldn’t dare,” he whispered back. “I value my life too much.”

Jada endeavored to side-eye him even as she snickered. She loved how much he made her laugh. She blew out a breath when they reached the designated spot. Jada shaded her eyes and studied the location. The sun would be setting in an hour, creating a fantastic glow of light. Water crashed on the beach. The perfect backdrop. They couldn’t have chosen a better spot.

She couldn’t have chosen a better man. Eight months had passed since the night they got back together. They hadn’t been apart since. Life had only gotten better every day.

Business at Sugar Blitz was so good that they were preparing to open a second location. She’d gained access to her trust fund and put the money to good use, starting JTM Events. Business had been brisk ever since. Wonder of wonders, her parents had attended an awards banquet she’d planned for a local hospital and complimented her on a job well done. Jada had almost fainted.

“Okay, this is perfect,” Rose said, checking the lighting. “Get into position. Y’all already know what to do.”

Jada met Donovan’s dancing eyes. Indeed, they did.

Donovan circled her waist with one arm and pulled her close. At Rose’s direction, Jada laid her left hand over his heart, the better to show off the solitaire diamond ring.

“Perfect,” Rose said, as her camera clicked. “Look deep into each other’s eyes. Think glamorous drama.”

“Yeah, Donovan. Give me glamorous drama,” Jada said, snickering. “Give me smolder.”