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Fractured Freedom

Author:Shain Rose

Fractured Freedom by Shain Rose


Is it so bad that I tricked my older brother’s best friend into taking my virginity? Maybe.

In my defense, it was Dante Reid—my crush, my first love, and the one I ended up pushing away.

Our paths split in opposite directions.

I went to college while he returned to the Army.

The end.

Or so I thought.

After graduating from college and attempting a bucket list of self-discovery, guess who I find standing outside the jail bailing me out from a crime I didn’t commit?

Dante freaking Reid—this time with more muscles, more tattoos, and more demands.

One of which is to move in across the hall from him so he can keep me safe. Like I need protection after a little felony mix up.

I don’t.

Unless it’s from him.

Dante has been my downfall and heartbreak before.

And living next to the guy I gave my innocence to a long time ago may actually end in my complete devastation.


To all the good girls who know they’re going to Heaven …

But want to feel the heat of Hell first.

And to Krista who believed I could … so I did.


As a reader who loves surprises, I enjoy going in blind with each book. Yet, I also want to give my readers the opportunity to know what sensitive content may be in my books. You will find the list of them here: https://www.shainrose.com/content-warnings

Two Weeks Before Losing It

From: Dante Reid <[email protected]>

To: Delilah Hardy <[email protected]>


You wrote me all that ten minutes after I sent my email off to you. You must type a mile a minute now. Sorry I’m not responding faster. Missions here are in full swing lately. I’ve been going out at night and then sleeping all day. We only have a few computers, and people wait in line to use them. Tell the families I say hi, and when they bitch about me only emailing you, tell them you’re the one who writes me most.

I hope you’re doing well. The last time I heard from your brothers, they said you were named valedictorian. Those fuckers are so proud of you, even if they don’t tell you. I know their asses are probably drinking away their lives in college. And probably TikToking or some shit. I don’t get any social media here, so I don’t know what’s going on. Either way, take it from me, you’re the best baby sister they could have.

Your sister has been writing me while she’s in juvie. It’s going to be alright for her. Time in juvie will get the drugs out of her system. She’s strong like you. You’re twins after all.

Come to think of it, you always had a little bit more fight in you. Remember the time you crashed your bike on the way down that massive hill? What the hell were you trying to prove again? We all knew that bike had no brakes. Your brothers probably set you up to get in trouble since they were always complaining you were too well-behaved for your own good. Damn, I was scared when I saw that car swerve and knew you couldn’t brake. But you didn’t cry when I carried you the whole way home. Makes you stronger than Izzy. Her ass would have been bawling.

Anyway, I don’t type as fast as you. I’m getting hounded to get the fuck off here.

Tell everyone I love them, except that asshole brother of yours. You wondering which one of the four, aren’t you? It’s because every single one of them is an ass.

See you soon, Lilah.

Remember to breathe to seven, huh?


From: Delilah Hardy <[email protected]>

To: Dante Reid <[email protected]>


Well, now I’m taking it as a challenge to write you back quickly. I can’t sleep anyway. My Last final is tomorrow, then I’m freaking DONE with my senior year. And did I tell you I finally made my decision? UCLA it is.

It’s far, and my mom is mad, but it feels right. I’m supposed to spread my wings and do something with my life, right? Why not fly across the country and do it myself? You’re never in one place long. :-P

Things are still weird with Izzy gone. It’s calmer, sure, but I miss her. And I feel her pain. I know it sounds dumb, but I do. She’s struggling, but I know she’ll get through it. She just needs our support. Mom and Dad telling her that I’m doing so well isn’t helping, and my brothers are all gone, along with you. She was too close to you all, maybe, and fell into the wrong crowd after you guys graduated, since we were stuck still in high school. She needs people when I don’t. So, I’m happy she can write you sometimes while she’s in there.

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