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From the Jump(91)

Author:Lacie Waldon

I smile at the observation. “Sometimes I think you and I are opposite sides of the same coin.”

“I like that,” he says. “It means you’re stuck with me.”


It’s strange how odd it feels walking to Studio Sounds the next morning alone, especially considering how un-strange waking up in bed next to Deiss felt. Despite how late we got home last night, he insisted we stick to our jogging schedule. And he managed to add a burst of between-the-sheets cardio to our workout session, which is why we ran late enough that he had to head to work while I stayed back to shower and blow-dry my hair.

Truth be told, I can’t complain. Even the best yoga class I’ve ever taken didn’t deliver the rush of endorphins today’s efforts provided. Nor did it stretch out my thighs quite so thoroughly. I consider stopping for a muffin or something to reward him for a job well done, but I’m not sure what flavor applies to sexual prowess. Banana nut? I cringe at the thought and steer decidedly clear of the coffee shop.

The bell dings over my head as I enter the store, and the customer browsing in the far corner looks up with a grimace. He’s communing with the late, great Jim Morrison, and I’ve had the audacity to interrupt their special moment. I tilt my head apologetically, ignoring Mia’s smirk from behind the counter.

“He was waiting by the door when I showed up,” she mutters as I slide behind her. “You should’ve seen the fit he threw when I made him stay out there until we officially opened.”

“Maybe he’s having a bad day and this is his happy place.” I spot Deiss through the windows of his office, but he’s on the phone with his back to me.

“He’s a loiterer. Apparently, we have two of you now.” She gives me a pointed look before returning her attention to the iPad in front of her.

“Wouldn’t I qualify more as a squatter?” I ask easily, firing up the laptop. “I do more sitting than loitering.”

“As long as you understand that both are equally unwelcome.”


Mia jabs aggressively at the screen in front of her as I pull up my portfolio to show Zoe when she arrives. We have a loosely scheduled meeting today to talk about me doing some work with her, and I’m excited but nervous. Today marks one week since I met with the bank. I should be hearing from them soon with either wonderful news or a terrible, life-changing refusal to restore my account. I’m hoping having some more lucrative work lined up with Zoe will take some pressure off the waiting. As it is, I flinch every time my phone buzzes. I’d almost rather know nothing than hear from them. At least then I can maintain hope.

“It’s probably an insurance issue,” Mia mutters the words. “You being around here all the time like this.”

“Because you’re tempted to injure me?” I singsong, flying too high from my morning with Deiss to take offense.

A grin tugs at her lips, making me beam, even though I know it’s the idea of injuring me that’s pleased her. “You’re annoying when you’re happy,” she says.

“Haven’t you always found me annoying?”

“This is worse.”

“You should see me on sugar,” I say. “You’d really hate me then.”

“What are you? A toddler?”

I laugh, but she goes back to jabbing at the iPad before I respond. I nod silently and get back to work. A few minutes later, a bag of Skittles flies across the counter and lands on my forearm, causing me to look up in surprise.

“I keep an emergency stash under the counter,” Mia says without lifting her eyes from the iPad. “Let’s see what you’ve got.”

“Are you looking for an excuse to stab me?”

“Maybe.” Her eyes sparkle.

I laugh and open the bag, pouring a few candies into my hand before sliding it toward her. Before she can refuse them, I drop my eyes back to my laptop. It takes a few minutes, but I hear the crinkling of the bag as she picks it up.

* * *

Deiss comes out of his office around noon, surprising me by leaning against the counter and kissing me lightly.

“I’m going to order lunch,” he says as I sneak a look at Mia. If she’s surprised by the romantic shift between us, it doesn’t show. Of course, it’s possible she’s still treading carefully with Deiss after her mistake at the concert. “What are you in the mood for?”

“Luigi’s,” she says quickly.

“Mmm.” Deiss rubs his hands together. “That fried burrata.”

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