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Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone (Outlander #9)(186)

Author:Diana Gabaldon

“Does it say anything helpful?”

“No,” she said, closing the book. Her tone was deliberately casual, but I could see clearly how shaken she was. “It’s just the same as you said—administration of electric shock. I mean—they do have a medicine that they say works sometimes on some patients, but I’m sure that isn’t anything we can manage here, either. Digitalis?”

I shook my head. Penicillin was one thing—and even that was by no means dependable; I still had no way of producing a standard dosage, or of telling whether a given batch of the stuff was even potent.

“No,” I said regretfully. “I mean—you can extract digitalin from foxglove leaves, and people do. But it’s dreadfully dangerous, because you can’t predict the dosage, and even a bit too much will kill you. And we do have a few things to hand.” I tried to sound brightly helpful. “We’ll make sure to keep a good stock of the white willow tea on hand—it’s the most powerful.” White willow didn’t grow in North Carolina but was reasonably available from city apothecaries, and I had a good stock that Jamie had brought me from Salisbury.

“Tea?” she asked skeptically.

“As a matter of fact, the active principle in willow-bark tea is exactly the same chemical that you find in aspirin. And while people mostly use it for pain relief, it has the interesting side effect of thinning the blood.”

“Oh. So … if my heart starts twitching, I should brew up a cup of willow-bark tea and it will at least keep my blood from clotting?” She was trying to keep her dubious tone, but I could see that a tiny ray of hope had been kindled. Now it was my job to blow on it and try to encourage it to take hold and burn.

“Yes, exactly. Now, the tea won’t do away with the disturbing symptoms, but there are a few sorts of ad hoc things you can try for those.”

“Such as?”

“Well, plunging the face into cold water sometimes works—”

“Or so you’re told? I bet you’ve never seen anybody do that, have you?” She was definitely interested, though.

“In fact, I have. At L’H?pital des Anges, in Paris.” Plunging various body parts in cold—or sometimes hot—water was a widely prescribed treatment for a lot of different maladies at the h?pital, water being both widely available and cheap. And surprisingly, it often worked, at least in the short term.

“Or—if you happen not to be near any cold water—you can try one of the vagal maneuvers.”

That caught her unaware, and she gave me a cat-eyed look.

“If you mean having sex—”

“Not vaginal maneuvers,” I said, “though I’d think the fibrillating might be too distracting to want to do that, in any case. I said vagal maneuvers—as in, stimulating the vagus nerve. There are a few different ways of doing that, but the simplest—and probably the best—is something called the Valsalva maneuver. That sounds rather grand, but it’s basically just taking a deep breath and holding it, as though you were trying to cure hiccups, then pressing your abdominal muscles down as hard as you can—like trying to force out an uncooperative bowel movement while holding your breath.”

She gave me a long, considering stare, exactly the sort of look Jamie would have given me in receipt of this sort of advice. Deeply suspicious that I was practicing upon him, but inwardly fearful that I wasn’t.

“Well, that should make me very popular at parties,” she said.


Maneuvers Beginning with the Letter “v”

NEITHER JAMIE NOR I had said anything to each other regarding Lord John Grey, sexual jealousy, or general pigheadedness since he had stamped off in the midst of our argument—whether to put a stop to the argument or merely in order to muffle the urge to throttle me, I didn’t know.

He’d been perfectly calm and outwardly amiable when he came in for supper, but I bloody knew him. He bloody knew me, too, and we lay down to sleep side by side, wished each other good night and oidhche mhath, respectively, turned our backs on each other, and took turns breathing heavily until we fell asleep, me thinking that whichever sage had urged not letting the sun go down on your wrath obviously didn’t know any Scots.

I’d meant to find him alone and have it out with him the next day, but what with the roof, Geordie McHugh’s smashed thumb, and the worrying news of Brianna’s disturbed heartbeat, there hadn’t been an opportunity.

Supper was outwardly peaceful; there was no company, no culinary disasters, and no emergencies like one of the children catching fire—which had actually happened to Mandy a few days before, though she had been saved by Jamie noticing her dress sparking, whereupon he dived across the table, tackled her, rolled her on the hearth rug, and then picked her up and stuffed her into the water-filled cauldron, which was half-full of sliced potatoes and carrots, but fortunately not yet boiling. She and Esmeralda had emerged from the ordeal dripping, hysterical, and slightly singed around the edges, but basically sound.