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Gone with the Wind(327)

Author:Margaret Mitchell

"Pa take the Iron Clad oath!" cried Scarlett.

"Well, he'd gotten right feeble in his mind these last months and I guess she was countin'

on that. Mind you, none of us sospicioned nothin' about it. We knew she was cookin' up

somethin', but we didn't know she was usin' your dead ma to reproach him for his daughters bein'

in rags when he could get a hundred and fifty thousand dollars out of the Yankees."

"One hundred and fifty thousand dollars," murmured Scarlett, her horror at the oath fading.

What a lot of money that was! And to be had for the mere signing of an oath of allegiance to the United States government, an oath stating that the signer had always supported the government and never given aid and comfort to its enemies. One hundred and fifty thousand dollars! That much money for that small a lie! Well, she couldn't blame Suellen. Good heavens!

Was that what Alex meant by wanting to rawhide her? What the County meant by intending to cut her? Fools, every one of them. What couldn't she do with that much money! What couldn't any of the folks in the County do with it! And what did so small a lie matter? After all, anything you could get out of the Yankees was fair money, no matter how you got it.

"Yesterday, about noon when Ashley and me were splittin' rails, Suellen got this wagon and got your pa in it and off they went to town without a word to anybody. Miss Melly had a notion what it was all about but she was prayin' somethin' would change Suellen, so she didn't say nothin' to the rest of us. She just didn't see how Suellen could do such a thing.

"Today I heard all about what happened. That pusillanimous fellow, Hilton, had some

influence with the other Scalawags and Republicans in town and Suellen had agreed to give them some of the money--I don't know how much--if they'd kind of wink their eye about Mr. O'Hara bein' a loyal Union man and play on how he was an Irishman and didn't fight in the army and so on, and sign recommendations. All your pa had to do was take the oath and sign the paper and off it would go to Washington.

"They rattled off the oath real fast and he didn't say nothin' and it went right well till she got him up to the signin' of it. And then the old gentleman kind of come to himself for a minute and shook his head. I don't think he knew what it was all about but he didn't like it and Suellen always did rub him the wrong way. Well, that just about gave her the nervous fits after all the trouble she'd gone to. She took him out of the office and rode him up and down the road and talked to him about your ma cryin' out of her grave at him for lettin' her children suffer when he could provide for them. They tell me your pa sat there in the wagon and cried like a baby, like he always does when he hears her name. Everybody in town saw them and Alex Fontaine went over to see what was the matter, but Suellen gave him the rough side of her tongue and told him to mind his own business, so he went off mad.

"I don't know where she got the notion but some time in the afternoon she got a bottle of brandy and took Mr. O'Hara back to the office and begun pourin' it for him. Scarlett, we haven't had no spirits 'round Tara for a year, just a little blackberry wine and scuppernong wine Dilcey makes, and Mr. O'Hara warn't used to it. He got real drunk, and after Suellen had argued and nagged a couple of hours he gave in and said Yes, he'd sign anything she wanted. They got the oath out again and just as he was about to put pen to paper, Suellen made her mistake. She said:

'Well, now. I guess the Slatterys and the Macintoshes won't be givin' themselves airs over us!'

You see, Scarlett, the Slatterys had put in a claim for a big amount for that little shack of theirs that the Yankees burned and Emmie's husband had got it through Washington for them.

"They tell me that when Suellen said those names, your pa kind of straightened up and squared his shoulders and looked at her, sharp-like. He warn't vague no more and he said: 'Have the Slatterys and the Macintoshes signed somethin' like this?' and Suellen got nervous and said Yes and No and stuttered and he shouted right loud: Tell me, did that God-damned Orangeman and that God-damned poor white sign somethin' like this?' And that feller Hilton spoke up smooth-like and said: 'Yes sir, they did and they got a pile of money like you'll get.'

"And then the old gentleman let out a roar like a bull. Alex Fontaine said he heard him from down the street at the saloon. And he said with a brogue you could cut with a butterknife:

'And were ye afther thinkin' an O'Hara of Tara would be follyin' the dirthy thracks of a God-damned Orangeman and a God-damned poor white?' And he tore the paper in two and threw it in Suellen's face and he bellowed: 'Ye're no daughter of mine!' and he was out of the office before you could say Jack Robinson.