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Heaven Official's Blessing: Tian Guan Ci Fu (Novel) Vol. 2(129)

Author:Mo Xiang Tong Xiu

Honghong-er’s life has clearly been one of immense suffering and hardship, and he clings to every one of Xie Lian’s fleeting acts of kindness toward him as if he has never experienced anything like it before.

The name “Honghong-er” is clearly a nickname—it can be roughly translated to “Little Red.”


Feng Xin 风信 “WIND,” “TRUST/FAITH”

Heavenly Title:?Nan Yang, “Southern Sun” (南陽) The Martial God of the Southeast. He has a short fuse and foul mouth (especially when it comes to his longstanding nemesis, Mu Qing) but is known to be a dutiful, hardworking god. He has a complicated history with Xie Lian: long ago, in their days in the kingdom of Xianle, he used to serve as Xie Lian’s bodyguard and was a close friend until circumstances drove them apart.

Jun Wu 君吾 “LORD,” “I”

Heavenly Title:?Shenwu, “Divine Might” (神武) The Emperor of Heaven and strongest of the gods. He is composed and serene, and it is through his power and wisdom that the Heavens remain aloft—quite literally. Although the Heavens are full of schemers and gossipmongers, Jun Wu stands apart from such petty squabbles and is willing to listen to even the lowliest creatures to hear their pleas for justice. Despite this reputation for fairness, he does have his biases. In further contrast to the rest of the rabble in Heaven, he shows great patience and affection towards Xie Lian to the point that many grumble about favoritism.

Lang Qianqiu 郎千秋 “YOUTH,” “THOUSAND AUTUMNS”

Heavenly Title: Tai Hua, “Magnificent Peace” (泰华) The Martial God of the East. He was the crown prince of the Kingdom of Yong’an prior to his ascension. He is naive and prone to black-and-white thinking. Combined with his determination to be the hero, this often results in him barreling headlong into confrontations, regardless of whether his presence is welcome or helpful.


Heavenly Title: Ling Wen The top civil god and also the most overworked. Unlike the majority of gods, she is addressed by her colleagues and most others by her heavenly title. She is one of the rare female civil gods and worked tirelessly (and thanklessly) for many years to earn her position. Ling Wen is exceedingly competent at all things bureaucratic, and her work keeps Heaven’s business running (mostly) smoothly. She is the creator and head admin of Heaven’s communication array.


Heavenly Title: Earth Master The elemental master of earth. Taciturn, sullen, and always looking for a reason to go home—even so, he is often seen out and about with Shi Qingxuan. Shi Qingxuan calls Ming Yi their closest friend and exclusively uses the nickname “Ming-xiong.” Ming Yi claims to not enjoy the Wind Master’s company.


Heavenly Title: Xuan Zhen, “Enigmatic Truth” (玄真) The Martial God of the Southwest. He has a short fuse and sharp tongue (especially when it comes to his longstanding nemesis, Feng Xin) and is known for being cold, spiteful, and petty. He has a complicated history with Xie Lian: long ago, in their days in the kingdom of Xianle, he used to serve as Xie Lian’s personal servant and was a close friend until circumstances drove them apart.


Heavenly Title: Ming Guang, “Bright Illumination” (明光) Four Famous Tales Title: The General Who Snapped His Sword The Martial God of the North. General Pei is a powerful and popular god, and over the years he has gained a reputation as a womanizer. This reputation is deserved: Pei Ming’s ex-lovers are innumerable and hail from all the Three Realms. Pei Xiu is Pei Ming’s indirect descendant, and Pei Ming has taken him under his wing to help advance his career in the Heavens. And when General Pei sets his sights on a goal, he doesn’t take kindly to those who get in his way.


A martial god and a distant (and indirect) descendant of Pei Ming. He’s usually called “Little Pei” or “General Pei Junior” for this reason, and his own worship is tied to the worship of Pei Ming himself. He is often called in to clean up his ancestor’s messes, but regardless of the circumstances, he always maintains his composure with a polite yet detached air. Always cold and composed, Pei Xiu is a tactician through and through. His ascension to godhood occurred because he led the charge to slaughter the Kingdom of Banyue, and his exile from godhood occurred because of his morally dubious attempts to save his childhood friend Banyue from her fate of eternal punishment.