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Hunted (Pack of Dawn and Destiny, #1)(64)

Author:K. M. Shea

They didn’t look like the pretty, white, mild tempered unicorns humans show in their historic texts, tapestries and the like. Nope, these night mares looked too deadly-gorgeous for that.

Their coats were more of a silvery color than white, and both of them had black manes and tails—though the larger one’s mane had been cut short so it looked like a mohawk—and black hooves and socks. Their horns were ebony and a lot bigger than what you’d expect on a regular unicorn, too. All of them was bigger than what you’d picture for a unicorn in general.

But I wasn’t fooled by all the beauty. The night mares were dual natured, and I’d seen the skeletal, blood-curdling form they’d had before. They were capable of killing—as testified by the predator feeling they inspired in my gut compared to the prey feeling horses usually gave me.

Chrysanthe gravely bowed to the horses—the night mares. “Eclipse, Solstice. Thank you for your help today in transporting Chase’s Alpha and packmate.”

The smaller one nickered—which sounded scarily like a gleeful chortle—and circled around Greyson and me, sniffing us.

The larger one pressed his muzzle against Chrysanthe’s forehead, then meandered over to us as well.

“You’ll need to get on Solstice,” Chrysanthe explained as she shimmied her way onto the smaller night mare. “It’ll make the crossing easier. Lord Linus will drive your car.”

I squinted up at the giant night mare. “No saddle?” I asked.

“We could get one if you needed it,” Chrysanthe said. “But it’ll be a short ride. If you’re concerned about horse hair I could get a blanket for you…”

“Nah. It’s fine. I’ll manage!” I set my hands on Solstice’s warm shoulder. “Sorry,” I said. “I might accidentally knee you on the way up.”

Solstice twisted his head so he could sniff me, and snorted his warm breath into my face—which was weirdly calming.

I patted him, then set my hands on his back and pushed up, wriggling my way up.

I had pretty decent upper body strength and core strength from all the tree climbing—everything was easier with core strength, as much as it pained me to say because ab exercises were so painful and time consuming—but the problem was trying to kick my legs up and over his rump so I could haul myself up.

“Allow me,” Greyson said in a voice that sounded way too helpful to actually be good for me.

“Wait—woah!” I squealed a little when Greyson wrapped his arms around my waist and pushed me up onto Solstice’s back.

I almost lurched over his other side, but I grabbed fistfuls of his short mane and stabilized myself. “Thanks.” I peered over Solstice’s side and glared down at Greyson. “That was really helpful,” I said through gritted teeth.

Greyson wore his stoic Alpha look. “I’m sure.”

I rolled my eyes as he casually jumped and boosted himself onto Solstice’s back. It would have been a show of his werewolf strength if he hadn’t half landed on me—almost flattening me into the crest of Solstice’s neck.

I elbowed him in the gut, but I’m pretty sure it hurt me more than him since he had abs of steel—freakin’ werewolf.

Greyson retaliated by pulling me with him when he scooted back so I wasn’t perched on top of Solstice’s shoulders and patting my stomach—an area usually targeted by wolves when they attacked—before letting go.

Chrysanthe wove her hands through her night mare’s—Eclipse’s—mane. “Are all packmates close like the two of you?”

“Yes,” Greyson said before I could respond. “Werewolves are very affectionate. Physical closeness is important to us.” He scooped his arms around me and physically rammed me against his chest in what looked like a back hug, but I knew from experience could very easily be switched into a choke hold.

Overbearing canine!

“I see…” Chrysanthe bit her lip and glanced nervously at the mansion—obviously pondering Chase and his conduct.

“Chase is unusually…controlled for a werewolf.” I tried to struggle my way out of Greyson’s grasp, but his arms didn’t budge, even when I pinched his underarm where Chrysanthe couldn’t see. “He’s not as demonstrative—particularly when he’s working.”

Chrysanthe’s expression smoothed over and her shoulders relaxed. “That seems accurate.”

“Yes, yes. Now that your fears have been soothed, shall we be off?” Lord Linus poked his head out the car window and peered up at us.

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