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Hunting Adeline (Cat and Mouse Duet #2)(123)

Author:H. D. Carlton

"I'm not doing anything," she insists, yet her flushed cheeks and hard nipples say otherwise.

Sibby pops her head through the seats, swiveling her head back and forth between us.

"My henchmen are already uncomfortable back here as it is," she says, giving us an evil eye. "If you're going to be doing dirty things, make sure all of us can join in."

Addie covers her red face. "Oh, my God, Sibby. First off, we're not doing anything. Secondly, even if we were, you would not be joining us."

Sibby appears affronted by that news as I take another sharp turn. Jay tells me to turn left a second later, sending the car careening to the side again.

"Well, that's not very nice," Sibby remarks.

"Sibby, not everyone likes to have group sex like you," I bite out, in disbelief that we're even having this conversation right now.

Her head whips to me, her brown eyes wide. "Really? Why? It's so much fun!"

Addie shakes her head. "Maybe for you. Zade already has a long list of heads to rip off for seeing me naked as it is."

"Damn right," I agree distractedly, listening to another direction from Jay. The sirens are beginning to fade as I gain more and more distance between us.

Until one comes racing out from a side street, nearly hitting the back end of my Mustang.

I growl out, "Jay. Warning next time?"

"Shit, sorry, my brother came in asking if I could order pizza."

Jesus fucking Christ.

"Zade, you really should consider letting Addie explore."

"Hey, demon slayer?" I prompt. "I'm going to need you to be quiet now."

She huffs, but ultimately sits back down in her seat. I still hear her whisper, "He's such a possessive dickhead. I'm glad you guys like to share me."

Addie muffles a smile by biting her lip, almost distracting me enough to go flying into a ditch. That's it. I'm doing this shit by myself from now on.

I have my writhing girlfriend next to me, and a horndog in the backseat who’s testing my patience. I swear to God, if she makes a move on Addie, I'll kick her little ass.

Another cop car comes sweeping out fifty feet in front of me, nearly colliding into oncoming traffic. They right themselves before heading straight towards me. They're trying to fake me out by making me think they're not going to move. They like to do that to force people's hands. But the dumbass doesn't realize there's a side street coming up, and I have really good fucking control over this car.

"You see the street?"


"Once you go down that road, take a right and two lefts directly after. You should lose them all after that."

Addie's hand reaches out, clutching my arm as her back presses deeper into the seat as if that's going to save her.

"Zade," she groans, her eyes wide.

"I got it, baby girl," I reassure gently. I stomp on the brakes and whip the wheel to the side, perfectly fitting my Mustang in the small alleyway. The car fishtails a little, but I easily regain control. Seconds later, the cop car goes careening into the side of a building, failing to accomplish what I just did.

I follow Jay's directions afterwards and take the turns he directed me to. Just as he said, I lose them all. I expect helicopters are going to be here any second, so I stomp on the gas. Parsons Manor is ten minutes away, but I make it there in three. They’re going to be searching for my car, but luckily, I can fit my Mustang in the trees until it’s safe to get rid of it.

I come to a hard stop right past the tree line, forcing Addie and Sibby to catch themselves from pitching forward.

Silence descends, broken periodically by Addie's heavy breathing. The sun is dipping low below the Bay, the light slowly drowning beneath the surface.

"Did we die?" she squeaks.

Sibby leans forward again. "You're silly. If you're still breathing, that means you're alive." She sniffs loudly. “And you still smell as pretty as ever.”

Addie’s wide eyes drift to her, shock bleaching the color from her face. If heat wasn’t rolling off her in waves and turning my dick into granite, I’d laugh.

"Sibby, exit the vehicle please," I tell her sternly. She rolls her eyes but listens, herding her imaginary men out of the car before slamming the door shut.

“You’re safe?” Jay asks through the phone.

"We're good," I say. "Thanks, man. I'll call you soon."

Disconnecting the call before he can get another word out, I train my gaze on Addie. She seems to stiffen further under my stare, and I’d be lying if I said that didn’t excite me.