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Kingdom of the Wicked (Kingdom of the Wicked, #1)(98)

Author:Kerri Maniscalco

“You’re not in a position to be making demands. But I respect your effort. Now sit. Drink.”

With little choice, I joined Envy at the table. He nodded toward the goblet of wine. I picked it up, and pretended to take a sip. I didn’t trust him to not have tampered with it before I arrived. If he was planning to sneak me back to Hell, he’d have to take me by force.

“You’re the one who’s been working against Pride,” I said.

He didn’t deny it. He watched me in an unnervingly close way—like he was seeing through layers of skin and bone, and found the heart of who I was and all I aspired to be.

“I understand why Wrath is intrigued by you.”

Intrigue was probably the last thing Wrath felt toward me. “Did you ask your vampire to deliver me here just to discuss your brother?”

“He loves a good challenge. It’s the war in him; makes him want to conquer and win at any cost.” He took another sip of wine, his attention straying to my neck. “It will be hard for him to give you up when the time comes. But he will. Do not delude yourself into thinking you matter to him. We princes of Hell are selfish creatures. We do not suffer the same range of sentiments as mortals, and those born to this peculiar realm. You are standing between him and something he’s sought for a very long time. In the end, he will choose himself. As we all do.”

I set my goblet down, the contents splashing onto the worn wooden table. “If this is what you came all the way from your wicked kingdom to say, that’s unfortunate. You’re not telling me anything I don’t already know. Nor are you telling me anything I particularly care about.”

I saw the exact moment I walked into the carefully laid trap he’d set for me. He cut into a stuffed sardine with impeccable manners. After he washed down the bite of food with more wine, he gave me a lazy smile, though his gaze was sharp enough to stab.

“If you’ve figured out my brother so well, why don’t you tell me what he’s really after? I’m sure a smart girl like you already knows, and doesn’t need my humble assistance in that matter.”

Envy wanted me to need him. To beg for knowledge out of mortal curiosity. Then he’d exchange it for something he wanted from me. And he must want something very badly if he’d go through this much trouble. I got a sick sense of satisfaction for being a disappointment to the demon. “What do you want, Envy? Why am I really here?”

“The first night we met, I suspected you were in possession of something I need. Do you know what that is?”

I thought back to that first encounter. I’d tucked my amulet inside my bodice right before he’d emerged from the shadows. Back then, I was worried he’d been after my sister’s diary. Knowing what I do now, I bet he could sense the power of the amulet. “You want my cornicello.”

“Close. I want both your amulet and your sister’s. And you’re going to give them to me.”

“Why would I do that?”

“Because I have in my possession something you want.”

I shivered in place. I knew what he meant; he had my parents. My friends. Nonna might be home now, but that didn’t mean she was safe. I held very still, waiting for him to deliver the blow. He finished the last bite of food and exhaled, sounding immensely pleased. He pushed his plate back then snapped his fingers.

A demon that had the head of a ram—complete with rounded horns above its ears—and the body of a human dragged my parents out by their collars and tossed them down. Their eyes were cloudy, their movements sluggish. They didn’t seem to be aware of what was going on.

I jumped up from my seat, but Envy shook his head.

“Sit, pet. We’re not through. There’s more.”

With no other option available, I dropped back into my seat.

“Good. You’re finally taking this seriously. I’ve waited long enough. Give me the Horn within the next twenty-four hours, and your loved ones will not be maimed. Tell anyone or fail to meet my demands, and they will be coming to stay with me in House Envy with the rest of my curiosities. And things will end much worse for you. This, I can promise, is no idle threat. Have I made myself perfectly clear?”

I glanced at my mother and father again. They hadn’t moved from where the horned-demon unceremoniously dumped them, and stared blankly at nothing. In a way, it was a blessing from the goddess of mercy that they weren’t entirely conscious for this.

My eyes burned with unshed tears. “What did you do to them?”