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Knight's Ransom (The First Argentines #1)(86)

Author:Jeff Wheeler

“You already knew,” Ransom said.

Devon chuckled, folding his arms. “Of course I knew. I planned it.”

Ransom’s chest hurt. He blinked, trying to master the feeling of shock and surprise. “You’re betraying your parents? What did King Lewis promise you?”

“You think I’m just doing this because of some hasty promises spoken over cups of wine? No, my friend. I enlisted his help. It serves both of our interests.”

Ransom felt like the turret balcony was spinning. He wanted to grab the railing for fear of falling.

“I wondered how long it would take for you to realize what was going on,” Devon said. “Simon didn’t know either, but Robert, Talbot, and Alain do. We’ve been planning it for a while. And you helped, Ransom. For which I’m appreciative. Without your counsel, Father might not have let me come to Pree. So let us be honest with each other at last. Are you ready for the truth?”

Ransom’s skull began to throb with the enormity of the betrayal. He knuckled his brow and then nodded. “Your parents will be devastated, Devon.”

The Younger King shrugged. “One of them will be. The queen is part of the plan. My mother . . . just to be clear.”

Ransom gazed at him in open surprise.

“Bennett is going to lead the forces from the Vexin. Prince Estian will lead forces to join ours. James will come down from Dundrennan with a host, and the queen will hold Kingfountain for me. Father will be surrounded in Westmarch. I think the plan is simple enough. But history tells us simple approaches are often the best.”

Devon rubbed his arms. The chill from the balcony was overcoming the warmth from the banquet. “The question that remains to be answered, Ransom, is what role you intend to play in this. Mother thought you could be trusted. She felt you would be loyal to me and was an instrument in persuading Father to assign you to me. I’ve tried to take your measure, man. You swore allegiance to me. You serve in my mesnie. Or do you? Who holds your loyalty?” He inclined his head to one side, regarding Ransom closely.

Ransom’s hands were trembling. He felt unprepared for what had happened—a turn of events he had not once anticipated. But he remembered the Elder King’s first order, that he try to keep his son alive.

“Before you answer,” said Devon, holding up his hand, “let me be clear that no evil consequences will befall you. While I cannot permit you to leave Pree to warn Father, I will not force you to serve me in duplicity. If you are loyal to him, you will remain here at Pree until the fates have decided which of us will wear the hollow crown. I intend to depose my father, not murder him. You can continue serving him or not. You deserve a castle of your own, at the least, and I will see that you get one. If you serve me, on the other hand, realize that your future rewards will be much greater. I know you fancy Glosstyr’s daughter. So does Sir James. It would be within my power to reward one of you with her hand. She’s rebuffed all of James’s attempts at wooing, but I think she might be more positively inclined your way.”

“Is Lord Archer allied with you?” Ransom asked, finding his voice at last.

“No,” said Devon. “I wasn’t sure which side he would take. Father sent him back to Legault, so his involvement in this will be limited. It may be over before he gets wind of it. No matter. He’s pragmatic. He’d bend the knee, I should think, when it comes time. So . . . Ransom . . . I know you’re surprised. Not even you are clever enough to disguise yourself with me. If you are loyal to my father, I hold no grudge. You’ve been doing your duty. But I hope my mother was right. She thinks you’re the type of man who will risk everything to protect the one you serve, that you’ll put your life on the line for me, as you did for her.”

Ransom felt a little numb. “I’m still reeling from the news, my lord.”

“You should be. It’s been a carefully guarded secret.”

“May I ask why? Just to be sure I understand your motives. Your father gave you a kingdom.”

“But he shouldn’t have,” said Devon. “That’s not how he earned it. He won Ceredigion. He defeated King Gervase, although he didn’t kill the man to do it. He negotiated a transition of power, became his rightful heir. I wear a crown, but it’s a band of gold. It’s worth nothing!” Devon’s expression became more heated, more agitated. “He gave it to me because he didn’t want everyone fighting over succession. But Father is young, and he would never willingly pass his authority to me. Not even a portion of it. Without it, the title is empty. The people prefer me to him—you’ve heard the man’s sharp tongue, and he’s miserly besides—and he’s content to use that to his advantage. But if I want real authority, I have no choice but to take it. That is how things are done in this world. With allies and with strength. It’s like the game of Wizr, which is so popular here in Occitania. Father detests the game, but I’m grateful to have learned it. This is my move, Ransom. My threat on the board. One side cannot have two kings.” He folded his arms again. “Which side will you be playing on?”

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