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Lords of Mercy (The Royals of Forsyth University #3)(115)

Author:Angel Lawson & Samantha Rue

Mom explains, “It’s just that Daniel hasn’t told me a thing. I need to know how formal this banquet is. Is it a black-tie affair, or something more casual? I’m heading out now—the doors open at eight sharp—and I thought it’d be a good opportunity to buy something nice.”

I don’t suppress my eye roll. Undoubtedly, my mother already owns an extensive wardrobe. I cover the speaker and lift my chin at Killian. “Mom wants to know the dress code for the banquet.”

“Nothing,” is his answer, eyebrows crouched low. “I already told him I wasn’t going”

“Well, she thinks they are.”

The room falls silent as Dimitri and Tristian both wait for his response. Killian’s gaze holds mine, jaw going sharp and tense, and I almost wish I could turn the clock back nine hours. It’s taken a single minute for it to all come flooding back. South Side. Ted. Football. Injuries. And that’s only the stuff I know about.

“Story?” Mom asks. “Are you still there?”

I sigh, looking away from Killian’s tense face. “Put away your fur, Mom. Killian’s skipping the banquet.”

“Skipping?” She gives a sharp, incredulous scoff. “That’s ridiculous. He’s the guest of honor!”

“He already told Daniel he’s not going,” I explain, finding my panties wedged beneath a cushion. “I guess he forgot to tell you. Sorry.”

I can sense the disappointment on the other side of the phone. My mother would probably love nothing more than to get dressed up and ride the coat-tails of her successful stepson. She may be the last one to figure out those days are rapidly ending.

Her sigh is long and forlorn, as if she’s expecting him to change his mind in the time it takes to empty her lungs. “Well, I guess I won’t bother with a new dress.”

A pang of sympathy runs through me. She didn’t get invited to the Mercer party, and now she’s not going to the banquet. The opportunity to attend formal social functions seems to be dwindling for the Payne household.

Primly, I reason, “You know what? You should buy one anyway. Go find something fancy and pretty. That way, if something comes up last minute, you have a solid choice.”

This seems to perk her up. “Maybe you could come out with me! The campus is on the way.”

“Oh, gosh, Mom. I’d love to go shopping with you this morning.” I pull a face that makes Tristian bury a laugh into his fist. “It’s just that I’m… well. Super hungover?”

“Oh, Story.” She probably tries to sound disapproving, but she misses the mark. “I’ll send you a recipe for the perfect hangover remedy. Hydrate and get some sleep.”

“I will. Bye!” Before she can go on, I hang up, giving Killian a pleading look. “Are you sure you won’t at least consider—”

“I think you promised us a shower,” he says, giving me a look that says to drop it. “Even Rath got up.”

I relent, partially because I know it’s pointless to argue with Killian about this.

But also I just really, really want that shower.

The first day back at school is easier than I’m expecting.

Part of that is being unburdened with the worry of how I’m going to pay for it. Part of it is the three men always meeting me around campus, and the way we fit so much more seamlessly now than we have before.

Part of it is that I keep passing LDZ guys and getting the true Royal treatment.

When we run into two of them at the end of the day, I hear a loud hoot, and then, “Wrestling Queen!” Grant Patel curls his arm, flexing his bicep.

Jordan Hashford holds the door for me as we exit the student center, sweeping out an arm in a low bow. “My Lady.”

Fighting down my smile, I give both of them a thumbs up. “Thanks, guys!”

“Well, aren’t you a celebrity?” Tristian says, narrowing his eyes at Jordan as we pass. It takes me a second to realize why: Holding doors for me is usually his thing.

“Stop,” I say, even though my cheeks heat. “They’re just having fun.”

What I don’t say is that I’m having fun. Things are far too tense and dangerous to let it go to my head, but it’s been a nice fantasy, walking around campus and being greeted like someone who’s important. I’m no fool. I know it’s flimsy and fleeting, built with something that barely resembles respect.

“Let our girl enjoy the fame.” Dimitri pulls me a little closer to his side. “Those other Royal bitches are constantly getting the campus glory. It’s our time.”