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A Family Affair(109)

Author:Robyn Carr

“What makes you say that? I’m a little moody, that’s all. You’ve seen me—”

He was shaking his head. “You’re not just moody,” he said. “Any time you don’t stare with big cow eyes at Bradley Cooper, the man you hope to marry, we’ve got us a problem. So, we’ll go have a little wine. Maybe some pasta or pizza but wine for sure.”

She raised a brow. “You think you’re going to get me loose and talking?”

He nodded. “As only a good friend could.”

They drove to Maggio’s, a little hole-in-the-wall Italian pizzeria. It was one of his favorite places. Jake pulled his truck into a small parking lot behind the restaurant. They did a huge take-out business, but there was a small dining room with only eight booths. It was compact, each booth could hold six people so the maximum they could serve wasn’t even fifty, and in all the years Adele had known about the restaurant, it had never been full. The front of the store, where people picked up their meals or pizzas, was always hopping, and there were a couple of tables on the wide sidewalk where people could sit outside in nice weather.

Adele and Jake entered through the back door because Jake knew the owners and most of the staff. People hollered “Hey, Jake” or waved a hand in their direction. They slipped into the restaurant and found a booth near the back. Adele loved that it was dimly lit and decorated with plastic grapes. They slid into the booth and sat across from each other.

“Hey, Jake,” the waitress said, slapping down a couple of napkins. “Haven’t seen you in a long time.”

“It hasn’t been that long, has it?” he returned. “You know my friend Adele, don’t you?”

“Yeah, sure, how you doin’? And what can I start you off with?”

“A glass of cabernet for me,” Addie said.

“Same,” Jake said. “And we’ll look at the menu for a while.”

“I bet you know it by heart, Jake,” she said, smiling prettily into his eyes. “I’ll be right back.”

“All the women in town like you,” Adele said. “Why don’t you ever take any of them out?”

“They don’t all like me,” he said. “And Bonnie, there, I think she’s been married a bunch of times.”

“Really?” Adele asked.

“Well, at least twice. Been there, done that.”

Adele remembered too well—it was a scandal in the neighborhood at the time. Jake was in his midtwenties, Adele still in high school, when he married Mary Ellen. It didn’t go well. Jake’s mother complained to Adele’s mother that there was a lot of bickering, and in no time Mary Ellen had become Jake’s unhappy wife. Though she never missed a word of their mothers’ gossip, the only thing she actually saw was that her friend Jake was suddenly alone, miserable, brokenhearted and inconsolable. Mary Ellen left him after a year, and they were divorced by two years. She had now passed her third divorce, been with numerous men she hadn’t married and was said to be keeping company with a much older guy who left his wife of almost forty years for her.

“Yeah, I’d love to know what happened there, if only to understand it,” Adele said. Jake was handsome, sweet natured, smart and most importantly, kind. His market was like the cornerstone of the older section of Half Moon Bay. He’d served on the city council for a couple of years and was greatly respected. By comparison, Mary Ellen was attractive but not very smart. But she must have some serious skills—she certainly had no trouble getting a guy though she did have a short attention span. Adele suspected an abundance of pheromones. She also seemed to be cunning.

“Maybe when I understand what happened, I’ll share,” Jake said.

Their drinks came, they ordered a pizza to share and Jake went in for the kill. “How about if you tell me why you didn’t drool over Bradley,” Jake said.

She told him Justine had come by for a brief visit, complaining about having some job and therefore financial issues, and that she might not be helping out as much as Adele had expected. “It emphasized all the things I haven’t done,” she said. “I was going to change my life, you know—starting with a makeover of myself and the house. Neither has had much attention for the past few years. I was waiting for the inspiration to kick in.”

“We’ve been over this,” Jake said. “You have plenty of time for all that. And you don’t need a makeover. The house could use a little paint, but other than that...”