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Lover Arisen (Black Dagger Brotherhood #20)(134)

Author:J.R. Ward


Balz stopped walking. “Hey, sorry to wake you.”

“No, it’s cool.” Sahvage’s voice was quiet. “Let me get out of bed, though.”

There was some rustling, a couple of words spoken to the Brother’s shellan, then the sound of a kiss. After which, footfalls and a door closing.

“What’s up?” the Brother asked in a more normal volume. “Helluva night you had.”

“Guess you’ve heard, huh.”

“Yeah. Look, I know we have our differences of opinion, but God’s honest, I’m glad you’re okay.”

“Thanks, man. And on that note… I gotta talk to you and I’m not trying to piss you off. Honest.”

There was a pause. “Let me get something first.”

There was more rustling. Then the shhhhscht of a beer getting opened. “Talk to me.”

“I don’t mean any disrespect.”

“Whatever it is, I believe that.”

“And I am not trying to shit on your parade.”

“Didn’t know I had one, but generally speaking, the less poop, the better in any situation, so thank you.”

“You know I don’t think the Book’s been destroyed.” Balz started up with the pacing again. “And before you tell me to fuck off, yes, I realize I wasn’t there when you and Mae were going rounds with Devina in that fire. But I’ve been to the site. There’s no way that thing was destroyed. No way—”

“You really need to talk to someone else about this,” the Brother cut in with exhaustion. “I’ve given my honest opinion, and I’m not interested in arguing with you—”

“Devina’s still alive as of a night ago. I saw her.”

Cue the pause. “Wait, what?”

“She stood right in front of me.”

Sahvage cursed and there was another beat of silence. “So I guess this is why we got a meeting scheduled before First Meal today, huh.”

“If she’s still around, so is the Book.”

The sounds of big gulps of beer were like a heart rhythm. And then a deep exhale came over the connection. “I guess I’m not really surprised. I’d had some hope, you know. But… whatever. I’ll fight her again. I don’t give a fuck—”

“Well, see, that’s why I called. I need your help.”

Upstairs, the sound of a door opening and closing was followed by footsteps he instantly recognized.

Balz spoke quickly, but he didn’t scramble his words. He made sure they were clear. And as the door to the cellar opened, he ended the call and looked up. Erika was standing at the top of the staircase, her body a dark silhouette.

“Hey,” she said. “Sorry that took so long, but I did some shopping. I’ve got no food in this house.”

“Hi,” he murmured. “You need help unpacking the car?”

“It’s too light out. It’s just after four, so give me a minute? I don’t want you to get hurt.”

He frowned as he wanted to bring all the groceries in. Like, for the rest of the woman’s life, he didn’t want a single bag in her hand. Ever.

“Okay,” he said with frustration. “I’ll wait here.”

The door shut again, and he paced like a caged tiger as he heard her go back and forth and back and forth across the kitchen. When there was a final door closing, over at the garage, he had some idea she’d come back down immediately, but she didn’t.

She was using the ladies room.

Finally, the cellar door opened once again. “So,” she said as she started to come down the steps, “I found my car and took a couple days off of work—”

He met her halfway and swept her into his arms. Bending her back, so that she relied on his strength to keep her steady, he put his lips on hers.

And kissed the ever-living shit out of his female.

When he paused to take a breath, she was panting. “You sure do know how to make a girl feel missed.”

All he could do was growl a little. Then he scooped her up in his arms and backed down to the floor.

“I did miss you.” He sat her on the armchair, knelt down in front of her, and started off’ing her shoes. “Here, let me help you out of these. You look really uncomfortable.”

“Do I?” Her smile was lazy. And hot. “You’re a mind reader, aren’t you.”

“I sure am.” He tossed one shoe over his shoulder. “And you know what you’re thinking right now?”