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Mercy (Atlee Pine #4)(138)

Author:David Baldacci

“But two inches over and you could have died.”

Pine looked at her curiously.

Mercy said, “Your diaphragm and the aorta behind it. A blow that hard, especially if you weren’t really ready for it, could have caused you to stop breathing. And if it had damaged your aorta and it ruptured later? Like being in a car accident and you hit the steering wheel because your seat belt doesn’t work or the airbag doesn’t come out. You’d bleed out in no time. But where they hit you? That doesn’t happen.”

“I guess they wanted to keep me alive to answer their questions. And how do you know so much about that anyway?”

“I told you, I do some MMA. Strictly local junior-league stuff because I’m nearly forty pounds over the UFC’s heaviest weight class. I studied up on that stuff. A good ab wall makes all the difference. So how do you think they’re gonna contact you about Carol?”

“Maybe a note left at the hotel? But they can’t expect me to just do whatever they want me to, with no guarantee that Carol is even alive, or that they’ll let her go.”

“You said there are other agents here. You gonna tell them if you get a note?”

Pine said nothing for a moment. “I’m sure if I do, her abductors will kill Carol.”

“Then I guess it’s just you and me. Sort of like real, real old times. Sis.”



AN AGONIZING FOUR DAYS had passed with no word from Blum or her captors. The Porsche had been recovered on a dirt road twenty miles out of town. The forensic team had gone over it without finding the prints or trace of anyone other than Pine, Blum, and Mercy, who’d had her prints taken for elimination purposes.

The APB had produced not one sighting. Because Blum was a Bureau employee, additional resources had been deployed. They had nothing to show for it.

Pine was now sitting across from McAllister and Bertrand in the hotel dining room, which had become their ad hoc operations room.

McAllister’s face and eyes showed the lack of sleep. Bertrand looked livelier, but Pine didn’t need lively, she needed results.

McAllister cast a look at Pine that made her stiffen.

“Yeah?” she said expectantly.

“I’m going to venture into speculation, speculation that might cause you some concern.”

“Fire away.”

“Could it be possible that your sister had something to do with Blum’s disappearance? By her own admission she was the last person with Blum before she disappeared. And her prints were in the car.”

“Because she was in the car. And what would be her motive?”

“Who knows? You don’t really know the woman, Pine, admit that.”

“I know her well enough. She was helping Carol try to find me. She couldn’t be working with the people who snatched me.”

“How do you know that?”

“I told you. The man who was questioning me wants my sister because he says she killed his brother. They’re not working together. He wants to kill her. They followed him to a house. They were probably spotted. They took Carol.”

McAllister shot his partner a wary glance. “Okay, so why not snatch them both if the guy really wants your sister? Why leave her and take Carol? Your sister said she was in the house where they were. Yet they just take off and leave the golden goose behind? It makes no sense.”

“McAllister, they might not have known she was even in the house. They may not have even known that Carol and Mercy had hooked up. It was a spontaneous thing. They probably spotted Carol in the Porsche. And if they’d been following us before, they would have seen me and Carol together.”