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Mercy (Salacious Players Club, #4)(134)

Author:Sara Cate

Rule #37: People let you see what they want you to see.


My face is pressed against the warmth of Maggie’s bare chest, her tits like perfect pillows cradling my head. I’m not sure when we took our clothes off or where the fuck we are, but when I wake up, she’s lying beneath me, naked and ready. Suddenly, I’m hard and grinding against her, torn between the desire just to sleep in her arms or muster the energy to bury myself deep inside her, where it’s safe and warm.

I’d honestly be happy with either, but unfortunately, someone is currently drilling screws into my skull and pulling me from the serenity of my dream.

When I peel my eyes open, the blinding light of the room only makes the drilling worse. Which, as it turns out, isn’t actually drilling. It’s just the pain meds wearing off and the throbbing reminder that crowbars and skulls don’t mix.

When I let out a groan, shifting in my bed, a deep, familiar voice takes me by surprise.

“Beau?” my father asks. My lids crack open enough to notice my dad jumping up from the chair next to my bed, his facial features tense with concern. “Are you in pain? Nurse!” He calls as he rushes across the room to the door.

Considering that my father and I have a very awkward conversation on deck, I might actually consider letting the stabbing pain stay. It’s actually a nice distraction from the fact that my dad now knows that not only am I screwing one of his oldest friends, but I’m also doing it in his club, and oh yeah…she’s my Domme.

Can’t wait to bask in the glow of that disappointment.

I must start to drift off again because when I hear a woman’s voice and instantly recognize that it’s not Maggie, I open my eyes to find a nurse, not the mean one, plugging something into my IV. Whatever it is, I hope it’s strong.

What’s a guy gotta do to get a morphine drip around here?

Within a few minutes, the drilling is gone, and I can actually open my eyes without wanting to gouge out my eyeballs. My dad must have pulled the curtains closed because it’s peaceful and dim when I finally do make eye contact with him.

He looks tired as fuck. Dark circles under his eyes, messy hair, wrinkled clothes.

“What time is it?” I ask, my voice dry and raspy. He quickly grabs a pitcher of water off the table next to me and fills a small plastic cup with it.

“It’s just after two. You slept all day, which is good.”

“Where’s Maggie?” I ask as I lift the water to my lips. I watch his reaction as I say her name, and I only notice the most subtle hitch in his breath before he replies, “She’s on her way back. I sent her home to get some rest and food.”

“Good,” I reply as I finish the cup. Food sounds fucking amazing right now.

“Your mom was here too. She’ll be back in a couple hours.”

“Okay,” I reply dryly.

When I hand him back the empty cup, the room grows thick with tension. It’s like we’re not the same two people we were last night. Last night, he existed in blissful ignorance. Today, he has to face the truth that I’m not who he thought I was.

Welcome to the fucking club.

My back is aching, so I try to sit up, and once he notices me struggling, he jumps into action, trying to help. Grabbing the bed’s remote panel to adjust the angle, he presses the button that has me slowly sitting up.

“I got it,” I snap, taking the remote from him. “I’m not useless.”

“I’m just trying to help,” he replies.

“Why? Because you think I’m too weak to do anything on my own?”

“I didn’t say that,” he argues as he takes a step back, crossing his large arms in front of his chest. Something about his presence has me on edge. Maybe it’s the painkillers kicking in or the fact that I am fucking starving, but there are no filters in place to stop me from revving up the attitude and starting this argument.