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My Darling Husband(3)

Author:Kimberly Belle

I rewind back to the first time I noticed him, a few days ago through the plate-glass window at Kale Me Crazy. There I was, seated alone at the bar with my phone and a smoothie I didn’t want, killing an empty hour between playdates and pickup times by scrolling through Pinterest. I was feeling sad and nostalgic for the offices and boutiques I used to design, back before I met Cam. This was before his name became synonymous with Atlanta’s high-end dining, before I came up with the sleek stone and metal look that would become a recognizable part of his brand, before I pushed out two babies in three years and closed up shop. But that day, I looked up and he was there, squinting into the sunshine and watching me.

A weirdo, but a random one, I assumed—until I spotted him later at the dry cleaner, at the deli across from my yoga studio, at the Starbucks and the canned goods aisle of the grocery store.

And now here he is again, today.

At my child’s music school.

My skin prickles with alarm.

“I’m sure it’s nothing, but next time you see this guy, point your phone at his face and tell him you’re streaming live to Twitter. If it doesn’t scare him off, you’ll at least have a visual to show the guard.”

His voice gets sucked up into more clanging, followed by a heavy crash and multiple voices, all of them shouting. I realize it’s been like this since the start, his voice pushing through loud and chaotic background noise.

“Babe, why does it sound like you’re at fight club?”

“I’m at the shop on Bolling Way. There was a fire.”

My stomach drops at his words. Bolling Way is Cam’s signature restaurant, a booming scene surrounded by Buckhead’s finest stores, a place that’s packed from noon until midnight.

“How bad was it?”

“On a scale of one to ten? Four hundred and fifty-seven.” He sighs, and it occurs to me that the concern I thought I heard in his voice wasn’t for me and the kids, but disaster at his most profitable restaurant. A torched Buckhead kitchen means a big, giant hole in our income. “I’m here with Flavio. We’re talking through our options.”

Flavio is the location’s general manager, and Cam’s highest paid employee.

I’m opening my mouth to respond when I spot the clock on the dash: 3:01. A whole minute late, and to pick up a child who loses her shit at the tiniest adjustment to her daily schedule. “Oh crap, gotta go. Call me later.”

I hang up, swipe my bag from the floor and Bax from the back seat, and race to the double glass doors of the building, looking over my shoulder the entire way.

I look for him after. Instead of turning left for home, I point my car right, steering past the spot where I saw him last, leaning against the sign. Four times I hold up traffic to search him out of the crowd, twice headed in the wrong direction, then two more times on the drive back past the building. I press my iPhone to the window and ride the brake the entire time, creeping by the entrance to the lot so slowly that more than one impatient driver honks.

But he’s not there. The patch of trampled grass by the sign is empty. The man-bunned man is gone.

Baxter pushes up in his booster seat, straining to see out the window. “Mommy, where are we going?”

“We’re going home.” I’m headed in the right direction, but my hunt took too long. Now we’re stuck in traffic.

“Then why do you keep turning around?”

“And why are you going so slow?” Beatrix adds before I can explain. She swipes a wet finger down the back window, pointing at two women speed walking past us. “Are you sure we’re not going backward?”

Beatrix knows we’re not going backward, but she enjoys being a smart-ass. Too clever for her nine years. Too sassy and energetic, too, and as tightly wound as the composite core strings on her DZ Strad violin—at least that’s according to her teachers.

And as much as I love my daughter, they’re not wrong. Beatrix has been a handful since the second she came into this world, bloodred and hopping mad. Colic. Sleeping issues. Sinewy muscles that hated to be swaddled. My pediatrician called her a high-needs baby, patted me on the shoulder and promised me most grow into normal, well-adjusted kids.

Something that for Beatrix will never happen.

My daughter is a musical genius, something I accidentally discovered when she was four, when after a quick dash through Fresh Market she hummed a perfectly pitched concerto all the way home. A few weeks later at Target, she picked out the melody with two chubby fingers on a keyboard, but it was the pink toy violin she begged to take home. Within a few months, I managed to find a teacher willing to give formal lessons to such a young student. The woman, a stern grandmotherly type, emerged from their first session pink-cheeked and throwing around the word prodigy.

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