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Author:Ken Follett

‘What conditions?’

‘That North Korea ceases its confrontational incursions into disputed maritime waters.’

‘We do not accept the so-called Northern Limit Line imposed unilaterally—’

‘Nor do we, but that’s not the issue,’ Wu interrupted. ‘We simply think that this is a bad moment for you to make your point by ramming fishing boats.’

‘It was a trawler.’

‘President Chen wants you to defeat the rebellion, but he thinks that provocative actions against South Korea are counter-productive.’

‘The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea,’ said Bak, pompously using the full official name of North Korea, ‘will not submit to bullying.’

‘We don’t want you to,’ said Wu. ‘But you should deal with one problem at a time. That way you have a better chance of resolving both.’ He stood up to indicate that the meeting was at an end.

Bak took the hint. ‘I will pass your message on,’ he said. ‘On behalf of our Supreme Leader I thank you for seeing me.’

‘You’re welcome.’

The Koreans filed out of the room. When the door closed, Kai said to Wu: ‘Do you think they’ll have the sense to do as we ask?’

‘Not a chance,’ said Wu.





Gus came into the Oval Office with a map in his hand. ‘There’s been an explosion in the Korea Strait,’ he said.

Pauline had visited Korea when she was a congresswoman. The photographs of her trip had endeared her to the forty-five thousand Korean Americans in Chicago. She said: ‘Remind me exactly where the Korea Strait is.’

He came around the desk and put the map in front of her. She breathed in his distinctive aroma, woodsmoke and lavender and musk. She resisted the temptation to touch him.

He was all business. ‘It’s the channel between South Korea and Japan,’ he said, pointing. ‘The explosion was at the western end of the strait, near a large island called Jeju. It’s a holiday resort with beaches, but it also has a medium-size naval base.’

‘Any US troops at the base?’


‘Good.’ When in Korea she had talked to a few of the twenty-eight thousand five hundred American soldiers there, some from her congressional district, and had asked them how they felt about living on the other side of the world. They liked Seoul’s vibrant night life, they said, but Korean girls were shy.

Those young men were her responsibility.

Gus’s pointing finger rested on the map just south of the island. ‘The explosion was not far from the naval base. It was nowhere near as big as an earthquake or a nuclear bomb, but it did register on seismic sensors nearby.’

‘What could have caused it?’

‘It wasn’t a natural phenomenon of any kind. It might have been an ancient unexploded bomb, like a torpedo or a depth charge, but they think it was larger than that. The overwhelming likelihood is that a submarine blew up.’

‘Any intelligence?’

Gus’s phone rang and he took it out of his pocket. ‘Coming in now, I hope,’ he said. He looked at the screen. ‘This is the CIA. Shall I answer?’


He spoke into the phone. ‘Gus Blake.’ Then he listened.

Pauline watched him. A woman’s heart can be an unexploded bomb, she thought. Handle me delicately, Gus, so that I don’t detonate. If you just bring together the wrong pair of wires I could blow up, destroying my family and my re-election hopes and your own career too.

Such inappropriate thoughts were coming to her more often.

He hung up and said: ‘The CIA talked to the National Intelligence Service in South Korea.’

Pauline grimaced. The NIS was something of a rogue agency, with a long history of corruption, interference in elections and other illegal activities.

‘I know,’ said Gus, reading her mind. ‘Not our favourite people. But here goes. They say an underwater vessel was detected in South Korean waters and identified as a Romeo-class submarine, almost certainly Chinese-built and part of the North Korean navy. Such vessels are thought to be armed with three ballistic missiles, although we don’t know for sure. When it began to approach the base at Jeju, the navy sent out a frigate.’

‘Did the frigate try to warn the submarine?’

‘There’s no normal radio transmission underwater, so the frigate dropped a depth charge at a safe distance from the sub, which is pretty much the only way of communicating in those circumstances. But the sub continued to approach the base, and was therefore judged to be on some kind of attacking mission. The ship was ordered to fire one of its Red Shark anti-submarine missiles. It scored a direct hit and destroyed the sub with no survivors.’