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Author:Ken Follett

Gus said: ‘I’m with Chess, but for another reason. When the Supreme Leader is gone, North Korea will need a government, and it may be wise to give the rebels some part in that.’

Pauline made up her mind. ‘I’m not going to fire on people who have never done anything to harm the US. However, the minute they move against us, we wipe them out.’

That got general agreement.

‘I get the feeling of a consensus here,’ she said. ‘Bill’s minimalist option is the one we should be talking about.’

Once again there were murmurs of agreement.

She went on: ‘I said today and I meant it. Eight o’clock tonight, our time, will be soon after sunrise in East Asia. Bill, can you do it by then?’

Schneider was energized. ‘You got it, Madam President.’

‘Cruise missiles, drones, bombers and fighter aircraft. Also deploy US navy ships to attack North Korean navy vessels anywhere.’

‘Even in North Korean harbours?’

Pauline thought for a moment then said: ‘Even in harbours. The mission is to wipe out the North Koreans as a fighting force. No hiding place.’

‘And raise the alert level?’

‘Certainly. DEFCON 2.’

Gus said: ‘For maximum impact we need also to deploy forces based outside Korea, specifically in Japan and Guam.’

‘Do it.’

‘And it would be good to have some of our allies participate, to show that this is an international effort, not just the US.’

Chess said: ‘I believe they’ll be keen to join in, the more so because of the use of illegal chemical weapons.’

Gus said: ‘I’d like to get the Australians involved.’

‘Call them,’ said Pauline. ‘And I will address the nation on network television at the moment our attack begins, eight o’clock tonight.’ Pauline stood up, and they all did the same. ‘Thank you, ladies and gentlemen,’ she said. ‘Let’s go get this done.’


Back in the Oval Office she summoned Sandip Chakraborty. He told her that the James Moore campaign was already accusing her of timidity. ‘No surprises from that quarter, then,’ she said. She told him to book her fifteen minutes on all the networks at 8 p.m.

‘Good thinking,’ he said. ‘The news shows will spend the day speculating about what you’re going to do, and won’t pay so much attention to Moore sniping from the sidelines.’

‘Good,’ she said. In truth, she hardly cared about Moore any longer, but she did not want to dampen Sandip’s enthusiasm.

After Sandip she called in Gus and said: ‘I want you to walk me through the protocol for declaring nuclear war.’

He looked stricken. ‘Is it going to come to that?’

‘Not if I can help it,’ she said. ‘But I have to be ready for anything. Let’s sit down.’

They sat opposite one another on the couches. ‘You’re familiar with the atomic football,’ he said.

‘Yes, although that’s really for use when I’m out of the White House.’

‘Okay, so if you’re here, which is likely, the first thing you’re supposed to do is meet with top advisors.’

‘Everybody thinks this is a decision of the president alone.’

‘In practice it is, because there’s not likely to be time for discussion, but, if possible, you have to do it.’

‘Well, I guess I’d want to, if I could.’

‘You might just speak to me. Allow a minute.’

‘What next?’

‘Step two, you call the War Room at the Pentagon, using the special phone in the atomic football if you’re not here in the White House. When you reach them, you need to prove your identity. You have the Biscuit?’

Pauline took from her pocket an opaque plastic case. ‘I’m going to open it,’ she said.

‘The only way to do that is to snap it in two.’

‘I know.’ She took the little case in both hands and twisted in opposite directions. It broke easily to reveal a plastic rectangle like a credit card. The card was changed every day.

Gus said: ‘Whatever is printed on the card is the identification code.’

‘It says: Twenty-three Hotel Victor.’

‘You read it to them and they’ll know it’s you giving the order.’

‘And that’s it?’

‘Not yet, no. Step three, the War Room sends out an encrypted order to the crews of missile launchers, submarines and bomber aircraft. Elapsed time is now three minutes.’