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Nick and Noel's Christmas Playlist (Mistletoe Romance #1)(103)

Author:Codi Hall

So she’d excused herself to go looking for them. She’d heard them arguing and then watched Amber throw herself at Nick. She should have been happy that Nick rebuffed her, but instead she was angry. Furious with herself for pitying Amber and giving her the benefit of the doubt. Pissed at Amber for being such a bitch.

And disappointed with Nick for even asking her in the first place. It was their first date! They should be looking at the ice sculptures right now, laughing over a cup of cider and kissing beneath the random sprigs of mistletoe.

Instead she was standing alone in the dark, wondering if she should go back inside and try to find Holly, but then she’d have to wait until the event was over.

Damn it.


She groaned at the sound of Trip’s voice behind her. “Great. Just what I need.”

When she turned, he pushed off the wall of the building, putting a lit cigarette out on the ground. She wrinkled her nose. She’d never let him smoke around her, hated the smell and taste of it. Every once in a while, she’d get a whiff and lose all attraction to him.

Just another reason on the long list of why she was glad they were no longer hooking up.

“I’ve been trying to get a hold of you.”

Noel rolled her eyes. “I thought me ditching you at the restaurant was pretty self-explanatory. It’s called ghosting. Take the hint and leave me alone.”

Trip marched over, stopping a little over a foot away. In the dim lights of the parking lot, she noticed his eyes were heavy lidded, as if he’d been tying one on for quite a while.

“No. Leaving me was rude, but I’m willing to forgive you.”

Noel snorted. “Big of you.”

“Why are you giving me attitude?”

“Are you for real? You’re a condescending asshat and I want to kick my own ass for letting you in my pants.”

“That’s a bit harsh, don’t you think?” There was a sharp edge to his tone, but Noel ignored it, too fired up to care if she ticked him off. She hurt and she wanted to hurt back.

“Let’s see. You take me out behind your girlfriend’s back, try to hit me up for money, and you forgive me? You’re right. Douche canoe is more accurate.”

“I wouldn’t call Jillian my girlfriend.”

The man just didn’t seem to get the point. “I’ll see you around Trip.”

He grabbed her arm when she tried to pass. “Now, wait a minute—”

She tried to yank her arm away, but he gripped it tighter. “There is no waiting. I’m not giving you a dime and you can just keep walking the next time you see me. The two of us were barely friends when we were screwing and that hasn’t changed. So let. Me. Go.”

Trip reached out for her other arm, but Noel evaded him. Still, he didn’t ease his grasp on her other bicep. “You’re not going anywhere until we come to an understanding.”

“Hey!” Pike’s angry shout came just before he slammed into Trip, knocking him to the ground. Noel stumbled forward and would have fallen if Anthony hadn’t grabbed her, moving her away from the scuffle.

Pike stood over Trip, visibly shaking. “You ever put hands on her again and I will bury you, fucker.”

Anthony pulled her into his side, his usually laid-back expression a mask of fury. “You okay, Noel?”

“Yeah, I’m good. Just want to go home.”

“No, I need to talk to her,” Trip whined, trying to climb to his feet.

Pike pushed Trip with one hand, causing the other man to stumble back. “Then you need to learn how to talk with your mouth and keep your hands to yourself.”

“Stop putting your damn hands on me,” Trip growled, his left eye twitching.

“Oh, yeah, see, you don’t like that huh? Someone putting their hands on you without your permission?”

Trip threw up his hands, yelling, “Fine, fuck it. I’ll never come near her again. You can have her.” Trip spit on the ground at her feet. “Too much traveled road for me, anyway.”

“The fuck did you say?” Anthony started forward but Noel beat him too it. Her palm connected with Trip’s cheek with a crack, the sting making her hand throb. She shook it out with a grunt.

“Go home, Trip. Forget you ever knew me.”

Trip rubbed his face, his eyes narrowed into slits. When he opened his mouth, Pike took a step toward him. “You don’t talk to her, you hear?”

Noel caught his arm with a shake of her head. “I appreciate the assist, but I don’t need anyone to fight my battles for me.”