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One Bossy Dare: An Enemies to Lovers Romance(126)

Author:Nicole Snow

Bad move.

A million memories flood my head like swarming bees.

Destiny抯 adorably awkward baby seal impressions. Her freaking out over turtles and dolphins and her eyes shining so bright the first time she was back on the beach after I showed her how to surf.

She抯 too sweet for life. I抣l miss experiencing the world through her young eyes.

And then the obvious, everything good and bad and impossible to forget.


His wildfire kisses.

Those searing nights in paradise that permanently stole a piece of my heart.

Cole leaning over me, tangled in his huge arms, a rough growl on his lips as he pushes his way inside me.

Cole grumping at everyone but me.

Cole telling me he loves me in the worst way possible梐nd then robbing me of the chance to hear it, to see it on his face.


Our stillborn love darts across my mind like a violent racquetball.

Memories I wish like hell I could forget, but can抰。

The sweetest memories turned sickeningly bitter.

I shake my head, pressing a palm to my mouth.

If only he抎 been honest from the start, he would抳e spared us both some agony.

But I still hope our brief time together did them some good.

I抣l never completely regret it if the trip to Kona took the edge off old tragedies. For Destiny, at least, that seems to be true.

After I grab my suitcase, I head upstairs and out the door梤ight into a frigid rain and a growling sky.

揧ikes!?I sputter, slinking back against the wall.

The downpour floods the gutters and drowns out the world, drenching everything in sight. The street isn抰 full of puddles梚t抯 a freaking river.

揥ay to go,?I mutter, pulling out my phone for the forecast I should抳e checked hours ago.

How could I forget what Gina said?

I barely read the words heavy rainfall, thunderstorms, three hours before my hair starts falling down my face in wet, clumped strands.

I race back toward the exit door and pull, but of course it抯 firmly locked. And in all my infinite wisdom, I left my badge inside, thinking I抎 never need it again.


There抯 a bus shelter on the curb, just a quick jog across the parking lot.

I think. In this mess, it feels like it抯 ten blocks away.

I can抰 see it clearly in the pounding rain and hazy darkness, but I know it抯 there.

With a deep, exasperated breath, I take off at a ground-eating run, dragging my luggage behind me.

I抦 not sure how any Lyft driver sees me through this storm. I haven抰 even had a second in this mess to order a ride yet.

Not that it matters.

I抦 an ugly, drowned rat before I抦 even close to the bus shelter.

With my footsteps splashing water up my legs, I finally hit the sidewalk, just a few more mad paces from that stupid shelter.

Then a car whips past, stops, and backs up next to the curb. The passenger window powers down.

揥ho invited the whole ocean into town? You need a ride??a familiar voice asks. I see Troy Clement抯 leathery grinning face and let out a huge sigh of relief.

I grab the passenger door handle and hop in. He turns on his flashers while he stalks outside to grab my bag and stuffs it in his trunk.

揙h my God. Thank you so much!?I gush once he抯 back behind the wheel. 揟oday has been a crap sundae and this is just the cherry on top.?

揧eah, I saw your email. You okay, Miss E-lectric??His sharp silvery eyes shine with concern.

I wince a little without showing it, shivering in the sudden blast of AC. But hearing him mention my resignation also plays on my nerves.

I didn抰 expect to have to answer to anyone face-to-face after sending that email.

Water drips off my hair and nose as I tilt the vents away from me.

揧eah. Yeah, I抦 fine,?I finally say.

揌ere.?He puts his heater on full blast, which helps with the soggy chill. I just wish he wasn抰 giving me that hangdog look dripping with sympathy. 揥hat happened, lady? I hate like hell to see you go. You just taught that old hound dog some new tricks with those killer fucking drinks. I really thought you had a future with Wired Cup梐nd with Cole. Hell, I thought you were the future.?

I cringe, heat rushing to my face.

揑 just…my mind is made up, Troy. It抯 personal, but thank you,?I say.

He presses his lips together as the car starts moving. 揝orry. So there抯 no talking you out of it, huh??

I shake my head vigorously.

揘o. I just want to get home to my family and clear my head. Any chance you could drop me off at the airport? I have a flight to catch.?

揇efinitely. That gives me a good half hour to try to change your mind.?His goofy smirk says he抯 only halfway serious. 揧ou know you抮e the best person we抳e had in R & D in ages, hands down. Gina Walker抯 nice and all, but she goes by the book. The lab geeks assemble recipes, but they don抰 cook, if you know what I mean.?