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One Bossy Dare: An Enemies to Lovers Romance(94)

Author:Nicole Snow

揢m, yeah. Thank you.?

He抯 one big walking smile梪ntil his gaze falls on Destiny抯 necklace. Not that he could miss the way it sparkles every time it catches the sun.

揌oly shi梚s that梱our mom抯 old necklace??For the faintest second, his eyes are massive and shining before he slips back into his usual smug, friendly look. 揥ow. She loved that one, Dessy. It抯 gold and handcrafted. Your old man bought it for her on their last trip here. I抦 surprised she wasn抰 wearing it when梬ell, say no more. My bad.?

He coughs awkwardly and turns.

That makes two of us. I抦 reeling.

It was a gift from Cole?

Didn抰 he say it was an arranged marriage of sorts? That he never cared that deeply about her?

But if he was still giving her gifts up until the end, he loved her.

The evidence of that love梙owever misguided or difficult or pointless梚s hanging around Destiny抯 neck, scattering the island sun.

Never mind the bigger pile of evidence I haven抰 seen. The closed-off, secret memorial to a woman a sick part of me wants to barge into and explore.

I feel like this is Dakota抯 territory. She抯 a Poe, naturally at ease with whatever moody love and loss and angst is swirling around us.

Even my questions have questions.

What did she look like? Did she ever give them presents? Did she go to her grave with a piece of Cole抯 heart?

I can抰 be jealous.

God, no, there抯 no reason.

He had a life before we met and it抯 not my place to judge anything梞uch less get upset over a dead woman. I抦 not even sure what I am to him alive.

Definitely not someone he loves. And why wouldn抰 he have loved someone else before he knew me?

He has a freaking teenage daughter.

I抦 little better than a one-night stand and his lab rat. We抮e not together.

Not yet.

Not ever.

But Troy strikes me as a dumbass clod.

Here抯 Destiny, already crying because she forced herself to confront a terrible loss by herself.

Does he really have to remind her what happened? Even if the embarrassed look on his face says he realizes his mistake…ouch.

At least I抦 starting to understand why everything in this house is so hush-hush now.

揗e and my big mouth, huh??Troy smacks himself lightly on the face when I look up again. 揕et me make it up to you, Dessy. You want another boat ride before you head home? I抳e taken that sunset cruise three times this week. I抦 practically drinking buddies with the captain. We can find your dolphins again. I抦 sure your old man won抰 mind.?

揟-thanks, Uncle Troy.?Destiny pulls herself together, putting on a brave face. 揟hat sounds kinda nice. I would like to see them again before we leave.?

I抦 not sure why I抦 frowning.

揇estiny, are you sure your dad抯 cool with a boat ride without him??I ask.

She looks at me and nods.

揚lease take your phone,?I say, trying not to sound like the concerned adult and probably failing. 揢m, you know how he is. Your dad makes you show it every time you go off by yourself, so I feel like if you don抰 take your phone棓

That wins me a laugh. 揌e won抰 be mad at you, Eliza. He抣l just crucify me. Don抰 worry. I抣l take it, plus we抳e got Uncle Troy抯。 I抦 gonna go get ready.?She wanders off.

揧ou did a hell of a fine job back there,?Troy says.

揟hank you.?I feel like this conversation is going around in circles and this bizarre man just won抰 stop smiling.

Why is he still here?

He stuffs his hands in his pockets, pacing around the balcony like he抯 working up to something. Then he looks at me, his eyes all heavy silver discs.

揌onestly, you抳e done a good job befriending Destiny, too. I抳e known her folks since before she was born. She doesn抰 let many people in, but she trusts you. The girl could use a cool older lady in her life. You know, what with her mom being gone and Cole being Cole…?

Again, that raucous, almost inappropriate laugh bursts out of him.


I look at him, confused. Maybe he just doesn抰 hang out with people much.

揑 haven抰 known her that long. I just work for her father.?

That permanent grin grows wider, stretching his almost leathery tanned face. 揇on抰 be modest around me, lady. You抮e good fucking news for both of them. I haven抰 seen Cole this happy since梬ell, hell, ever.?

My heart twists.

Does that mean I am a surrogate then?

The notion is so creepy, I don抰 know what to do about it.

I feel lucky Cole moaned my name the last time he came, and not his dead wife抯。

But I have to try to play this off. Go on with my day. Think things over without a crying girl and this odd man circling me.

揟hanks…I think? I guess I don抰 know what you mean,?I say, playing it cool.

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