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One Small Mistake(140)

Author:Dandy Smith

Gratitude to Binny, Claire F, Claire L, Dawn, Hannah O-F, John T, Rachel, Rupert, Sarah, Sophie and all the fantastic staff at KES who have supported my dream. And to Andrew for all the car chats.

Thank you to Mrs Fernie, my Year 2 teacher, who first saw in me a talent for writing and encouraged me to pursue it. Without you, I don’t know if I’d have started down this path.

To Lucy and Mel who’ve been reading my stories since we were fifteen years old. Thank you for believing in me when I couldn’t believe in myself. For sharing in all the tears and frustrations, in the doubts and the eventual undiluted bliss this writing journey has brought. I wouldn’t have survived if it wasn’t for you both. And to Hazel, Jo W and Tiff who have cheered me on.

Many thanks to Jo Nadin and Rachel Delahaye, both wonderful women and authors, who devoured this manuscript, offered smart advice and heartfelt critique – I’m a better writer for it.

To my sister, Charlotte, who shares my features if not my love of reading. I’m lucky to have a sibling who celebrates my achievements. You told me that one day you’d hold a copy of my book in your hands. You were right. Big sisters always know best.

Love to my beautiful niece, Millie, whose imagination rivals my own.

Thanks to my parents who have only ever wanted me to follow whichever path in life I felt was best. I’m so grateful that, unlike Elodie’s parents, neither of you told me I was making a mistake when I put my publishing career on hold to write. To my dad, who is a man of few words but read every one I wrote as a little girl. Sitting with you, writing stories about magic spider webs, are some of the happiest memories of my childhood. And to my mum, who is a woman of many words, all of them full of praise, love and wit, thank you for reading everything I’ve ever written and for teaching me to fight for my dreams.

And finally, an extra special thank you to Josh, my fiancé, for all your brilliance, belief and optimism. Of all the stories in all the world, you’ve made ours the best one to live. I love you. Always.

A Note from the Author

Thank you for taking the time to read One Small Mistake. I hope there was something in this book you could relate to. Just like Elodie, I put my career on hold to focus on my writing. Fortunately, my parents were supportive, but there were people in my life who weren’t, who insisted I was naive to think I’d ever be a published author. That I’d made one huge mistake. It was that feeling of crushing inadequacy and desperation that inspired Elodie’s story. Although I’d never advise going to the extreme lengths she did, if there’s one thing I’ve taken away from this wild, terrifying, exhilarating writing journey, it’s to never give up on your ambitions. Those, alongside the people who believe in you, are the shafts of sunlight that break through a drizzly sky. Bathe in them.

Dandy Smith lives in the Somerset market town of Frome with her fiancé and cocker spaniel. She has an undergraduate and master’s degree in Creative Writing from Bath Spa University and enjoys all things aerial fitness, true-crime and chocolate orange.

About Embla Books

Embla Books is a digital-first publisher of standout commercial adult fiction. Passionate about storytelling, the imprint was launched by Bonnier Books UK in 2021 and publishes books that will make you ‘laugh, love, look over your shoulder and lose sleep’。 It is named after the first woman from the creation myth in Norse mythology, who was carved by the gods from a tree trunk found on the seashore – an image of the kind of creative work and crafting that writers do, and a symbol of how stories shape our lives.

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