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Out of the Clear Blue Sky(117)

Author:Kristan Higgins

“I’m sure she had other reasons for driving on Main Street, honey,” Melissa said.

“She used to come by the office unannounced sometimes. With flowers in a jar or some banana bread. As if my work was so frivolous she could just stop by whenever she wanted.”

“She would interrupt client sessions?”

Brad paused. “Well, no. But I’d hear her coming in the back. She’d leave stuff in the kitchen.”

Yes, call the wife police. How dare she? “Well, you can be sure I won’t be doing that, babe.” She laughed seductively, her fingers at her neckline. “I have my hands full these days.”

“You know she still won’t let Dylan FaceTime me. I mean, I know he’s an adult, but I’m sure she’s manipulated him into not speaking to me. She’s turning him against me. We were always so close, and now she’s preventing him from building a new relationship with me. He probably doesn’t even realize he’s being used. I would have thought me telling him about her wedding stunt would show him how vengeful she is, but he hasn’t called me back. And I know it’s because of her.”

Enough talk of Lillie, though it was hard not to think of her, given that Lillie was the one who had told her she was pregnant. “Speaking of Dylan, when is he coming home for Christmas?” Melissa asked. “I want to have his room at Stella Maris ready for him.”

“I don’t know! She won’t even tell me how long his break is.”

“Doesn’t it say on the college website?”

Bradley flushed. “I guess.”

“Well, we’ll see him, babe, don’t worry. I’m sure of it. You’ve always been a wonderful father.” And maybe there’d be a gorgeous new car sitting in the garage with a big bow on it. A bribe, sure. They worked. “Remember,” she continued, “Dylan hasn’t actually met me. Once he does, I think he’ll be able to see how happy you are, and that I don’t have horns and a tail.”

Brad’s face relaxed. “No. I’ve seen your ass enough to say it’s perfection.”

As if on cue, she farted. She jerked, shocked. She hadn’t even felt the urge! They both pretended it hadn’t happened, and she prayed that no one else had heard it. She’d book an appointment this week and see what could be done. In addition to the gas, her stomach was burning with acid, and she was out of Tums. She hated needing them, but they did work, at least for a while.

“Oh, guess what I heard?” Bradley said. “Lillie’s renting the studio! She has a man living there, and she was oh so judgmental of us. Now she’s—”

“Can we stop talking about her, Bradley? Please. I’d like to have a nice dinner.” She took a long sip of water, then set the glass down. “She’s entitled to her anger, Bradley. You cheated on her.”

Brad blinked. “I mean, it wasn’t cheating as much as a relationship transition.”

“Whatever you call it, it happened. Let’s order, babe. What looks good to you?” She looked down. Oh, yes. Tuscan-style veal with rosemary, garlic and sage. She hadn’t had red meat in years, but her mouth watered. Sorry, baby animal, you are too good to pass up. And oh, golly, the clam chowder. She knew it was basically hot cream with clams and potatoes, but she suddenly had to have it. She could taste it already.

Her blood sugar must be low. She felt more gas coming and clenched.

The server, a young man with a ring in his nose, came over. “Hi, I’m Tanner. Can I get you two some drinks tonight?”

“We’d like to order everything now, if you don’t mind,” Melissa said, her stomach growling loudly. She pretended she didn’t notice. “I’ll have a Caesar salad, a cup of clam chowder and the veal, please.” She also pretended not to notice Bradley’s face, which was shocked. She didn’t usually order so much food. He did, though. He always had three courses, at least.

“Got it. Anything to drink?”

She usually ordered a gin martini. But she couldn’t drink now. She’d already soaked her little plum in French wine. Maybe she should name it after a wine! “Just club soda and lime, please,” she said, gracing him with a big smile. He didn’t seem to notice.

Bradley ordered a dozen Wellfleet oysters, the lobster bisque, a garden salad and the rib eye steak. “I guess we’re both in the mood for red meat,” he said, raising his eyebrows suggestively.

She stifled a yawn. Like the gas, they came out of nowhere. “Excuse me one second. I need to powder my nose.” She went to the ladies’ room, because she did have to pee. Good golly, she could pee twice an hour these days! And the fatigue . . . she could probably take a power nap on the toilet right now.