Home > Books > Over My Dead Body (Detective William Warwick #4)(79)

Over My Dead Body (Detective William Warwick #4)(79)

Author:Jeffrey Archer

‘Don’t forget,’ said William, ‘that PC Plod always tells his children not to pick their spots.’

Peter nodded as William opened the book. ‘Where did we get to?’

‘PC Plod has just been told to go to the manor house,’ said Artemisia. ‘Immediately!’

‘Do you remember what was missing from the house?’

‘A pearl necklace belonging to Lady Doubtful.’

‘And what’s the name of PC Plod’s wife?’

‘Beryl!’ said Artemisia. ‘She thinks he ought to be an Inspector.’

William nodded, and began to read.

‘When PC Plod arrived at the manor house, he propped his bicycle up against the shed and joined the other policemen, who were searching the grounds for clues. He doubted they’d find any, as he was sure it was an inside job.’

‘What’s an inside job?’ asked Peter.

‘PC Plod thinks someone who lives or works in the house must have stolen the pearls.’

‘Who?’ demanded Artemisia.

‘I’ve no idea,’ said William, stifling a yawn as he turned the page.

‘But you’re a detective, Daddy, so you must know,’ said Artemisia, with the unquestionable logic of a child.

‘PC Plod noticed the front door of the manor house open,’ continued William, ignoring her, ‘and saw a scullery maid who’d served the Doubtfuls for years being led out of the house by Inspector Watchit, who looked rather pleased with himself. Plod frowned. He knew that Elsie wouldn’t have stolen a chocolate biscuit from a tea trolley, let alone a pearl necklace. He would have to go back to the station and put Watchit straight, before he charged the poor girl with a crime she hadn’t committed. He left the lads to get on with their job, and walked back to his bike. He was about to put on his safety helmet when he spotted a fishmonger’s van coming up the drive to deliver the catch of the day. Plod was surprised to see Mr Nettles the fishmonger park his van right outside the front door and not at the back of the house by the kitchen entrance. Nettles got out of the van and strolled up the steps to the front door which was opened by Lady Doubtful even before he had a chance to press the bell. Her Ladyship handed the fishmonger a large cardboard box, then quickly disappeared back inside.

‘Why hadn’t Nettles gone to the tradesman’s entrance and delivered the fish to the cook as he did every Friday, wondered PC Plod. It didn’t make any sense, so he decided to investigate. Plod plodded across to the van, where Mr Nettles had left the cardboard box on the passenger seat and was now sitting behind the wheel about to leave.

‘Plod tapped on the window and said, “What are you up to, my lad?” Nettles turned as red as a traffic light. He quickly switched on the engine, crunched the gear lever into third, and shot off towards the front gate. Plod dashed up the steps to the house and banged on the front door. When the butler opened it a few moments later, he told him to quickly close the electric gates. The butler touched the switch just in time to prevent Nettles from getting clean away.

‘I think that’s enough for tonight,’ said William.

‘No, Daddy!’ screamed Artemisia and Peter in unison. ‘More!’

‘All right, just a couple of pages,’ said William, with an exaggerated sigh. ‘The other three policemen quickly surrounded the van while PC Plod opened the passenger door and took out the cardboard box. He opened it to find it was full of oyster shells, and when he prised one open, he found a pearl in it. Plod knew that pearls were normally found at the bottom of the ocean and not in cardboard boxes.’

The phone in the corridor began to ring. William put down the book and said, ‘Can you take that, Beth, Mr Plod is about to arrest the real criminal?’ He looked back at the children and continued, ‘He immediately arrested Mr Nettles and told two of the constables to escort him back to the local police station, along with the evidence. “What shall I say when Inspector Watchit asks me what you’re up to?” asked one of the constables. “Tell him I will be paying a visit to the manor house and arresting the real culprit,” said Plod. “And he may be surprised who …”’ William was about to continue when Beth poked her head around the door.

‘It’s James on the phone,’ she said.


‘James Buchanan, he’s calling from New York.’

‘Mum will carry on reading,’ said William, ‘while I take the call.’

‘But then you won’t discover who Mr Plod arrests,’ said Artemisia.

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