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Put Me in Detention(163)

Author:Meghan Quinn

“Do you think Killian is going to go for it?” I ask.

“With Madeline?”

I nod. “Yeah, he keeps looking over at her.”

Pike’s hand glides up my back and then down. “The night is still early. We have time for it to happen.”

“He’ll need more liquid courage, and I need to get them to dance somehow.”

“Are you a matchmaker now?” he asks with a laugh.

“I am when I can see that the man is desperate.”

“Give it time. The tension between them is building, I’m sure it’ll happen.”

“I hope so,” I say, pulling away and bringing my lips to his. He gladly takes them. “Did I tell you today how lucky I feel that I found you?”

“In your vows, but, please, shower me with more compliments.”

I chuckle and press another kiss to his lips. “I’m obsessed with you, Pike Greyson.”

“It’s the piercings.”

I shake my head. “It’s you. From the very moment I saw you at the barbeque and told the girls you could put me in detention and I’d be happy about it, I’ve been obsessed. And I’m so happy that, today, I can once again call you my husband. I love you so much.”

He smiles softly . . .

“Did you really say I could put you in detention?”

I roll my eyes as he laughs and grips me tightly.

“I love you, too, baby.” He kisses my forehead and then whispers, “Now let’s make the rounds, say our thank-yous, and then head to our hotel room, because although I’ve been able to touch some of your skin tonight, I’m ready to worship the rest.”

Keep reading for an excerpt from my hockey romance, Kiss and Don’t Tell

Be sure to check out my other steamy, teacher romances: See Me After Class

Earn Your Extra Credit

Read all of Meghan’s books in Kindle Unlimited

Excerpt - Kiss and Don’t Tell



Man, I’m a fucking idiot.

Bet you haven’t heard that from a man before . . .

Yeah, every man on the face of this earth has uttered those sacred words at least a dozen times.

I’ve been a fucking idiot so many times, I’ve lost count.

But this . . .

This is by far the biggest screwup I’ve ever made.

Oh, you’re intrigued? You want to know what qualifies this particular situation as my biggest screwup?


One word . . . love.

Okay, okay, I know I’m not the only guy who’s fucked up when it comes to love. Frankly, I believe it’s human nature to fuck up with matters of the heart. But it’s my first time. That’s what makes this so special.

Yup, first-timer.

A virgin . . . well, not a sexual virgin, a love virgin. I’ve had plenty of sex. Not that we need to get into that, but I’m not a virgin.

See, this is the problem. This right here. The rambling, the not using my brain. I would like to blame my almost season-ending injury, but that would be a scapegoat. I’m just a dumbass.

Getting sick of me beating around the bush? If you were in my bed you wouldn’t.

I know, I’m annoyed with me too.

Okay, so I fucked up. How? Well, I’ll keep it short and simple . . .


Random girl shows up at cabin.

Random girl stays with us . . . don’t worry, we will get into that.

Random girl turns out to be my half-brother’s ex-girlfriend.

She doesn’t know.

But I know.

Do you think I tell her?

Nah, why would I do that? That’s the intelligent thing to do and as we established, I am a dumbass.

Does she find out? Yup.

Does she get mad? Ohhh yeah.

Does she leave me . . . sad, alone, and love deprived?

One hundred percent.

Do I deserve it?

More than you know.

But more importantly, do you think I should have a chance at winning her heart back?



Before you decide, just listen to the story. I’m pretty sure you will have a change of heart.

Chapter One


“Dude, you’re killing the vibe,” Hornsby says from the pool. “Don’t make me be the dad and make me turn off the Wi-Fi.”

Ignoring him, I watch the highlight clip on my phone one more time. Body fake to the left, deke right, crossover, shoots to upper left pocket . . . and he fucking scores.

It was simple.

Any teenager could pull off that move. Hell, I wouldn’t even call it a move, I would call it basic hockey skills.

And yet, I didn’t stop it.

“Watch it all you want. It’s not going to change anything,” Taters, our right wing, says.