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Author:Daphne Du Maurier

“I heard Robert coming back with the car,” he said to Colonel Julyan. “The window in there looks onto the drive.”

He went out of the library to the hall. Favell had lifted his head when he spoke. Then he got to his feet once more and stood looking towards the door. There was a queer ugly smile on his face.

The door opened, and Frank came in. He turned and spoke to someone in the hall outside.

“All right, Ben,” he said quietly, “Mr. de Winter wants to give you some cigarettes. There’s nothing to be frightened of.”

Ben stepped awkwardly into the room. He had his sou’wester in his hands. He looked odd and naked without his hat. I realized for the first time that his head was shaved all over, and he had no hair. He looked different, dreadful.

The light seemed to daze him. He glanced foolishly round the room, blinking his small eyes. He caught sight of me, and I gave him a weak, rather tremulous smile. I don’t know if he recognized me or not. He just blinked his eyes. Then Favell walked slowly towards him and stood in front of him.

“Hullo,” he said; “how’s life treated you since we last met?”

Ben stared at him. There was no recognition on his face. He did not answer.

“Well?” said Favell, “you know who I am, don’t you?”

Ben went on twisting his sou’wester. “Eh?” he said.

“Have a cigarette,” said Favell, handing him the box. Ben glanced at Maxim and Frank.

“All right,” said Maxim, “take as many as you like.”

Ben took four and stuck two behind each ear. Then he stood twisting his cap again.

“You know who I am don’t you?” repeated Favell.

Still Ben did not answer. Colonel Julyan walked across to him. “You shall go home in a few moments, Ben,” he said. “No one is going to hurt you. We just want you to answer one or two questions. You know Mr. Favell, don’t you?”

This time Ben shook his head. “I never seen ’un,” he said.

“Don’t be a bloody fool,” said Favell roughly; “you know you’ve seen me. You’ve seen me go to the cottage on the beach, Mrs. de Winter’s cottage. You’ve seen me there, haven’t you?”

“No,” said Ben. “I never seen no one.”

“You damned half-witted liar,” said Favell, “are you going to stand there and say you never saw me, last year, walk through those woods with Mrs. de Winter, and go into the cottage? Didn’t we catch you once, peering at us from the window?”

“Eh?” said Ben.

“A convincing witness,” said Colonel Julyan sarcastically.

Favell swung round on him. “It’s a put-up job,” he said. “Someone has got at this idiot and bribed him too. I tell you he’s seen me scores of times. Here. Will this make you remember?” He fumbled in his hip-pocket and brought out a note-case. He flourished a pound note in front of Ben. “Now do you remember me?” he said.

Ben shook his head. “I never seen ’un,” he said, and then he took hold of Frank’s arm. “Has he come here to take me to the asylum?” he said.

“No,” said Frank. “No, of course not, Ben.”

“I don’t want to go to the asylum,” said Ben. “They’m cruel to folk in there. I want to stay home. I done nothing.”

“That’s all right, Ben,” said Colonel Julyan. “No one’s going to put you in the asylum. Are you quite sure you’ve never seen this man before?”

“No,” said Ben. “I’ve never seen ’un.”

“You remember Mrs. de Winter, don’t you?” said Colonel Julyan.

Ben glanced doubtfully towards me.

“No,” said Colonel Julyan gently, “not this lady. The other lady, who used to go to the cottage.”

“Eh?” said Ben.

“You remember the lady who had the boat?”

Ben blinked his eyes. “She’s gone,” he said.

“Yes, we know that,” said Colonel Julyan. “She used to sail the boat, didn’t she? Were you on the beach when she sailed the boat the last time? One evening, over twelve months ago. When she didn’t come back again?”

Ben twisted his sou’wester. He glanced at Frank, and then at Maxim.

“Eh?” he said.

“You were there, weren’t you?” said Favell, leaning forward. “You saw Mrs. de Winter come down to the cottage, and presently you saw Mr. de Winter too. He went into the cottage after her. What happened then? Go on. What happened?”