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Redeemed (Dirty Air #4)(130)

Author:Lauren Asher

I hide my shaking hands beneath the table the entire meeting. My heart remains permanently lodged inside of my throat as everyone speaks.

The head of the meeting looks over at me and calls my name.

“Yes, sir.” I stand.

“Are you afraid of going back out there?”

I look over my shoulder at Chloe. She throws her two thumbs up and shoots me a goofy grin, making me smile back.

Am I afraid? Only an idiot wouldn’t be.

I turn back toward the main speaker. “Fear isn’t always a bad thing.”

His brows lift. “How so?”

“Fear motivates me. It reminds me how the best things in life will always make us afraid, but that shouldn’t stop us from pursuing them anyway. I spent three years of my life allowing fear to guide my decisions and look where that got me. I’d rather be afraid and drive anyway than be afraid and watch life pass me by. Because in the end, nothing is more fearful than realizing life goes on, with or without you.”

All the people on the panel nod their heads.

A woman at the end of the row raises her hand to speak. “Santiago, I want to ask how you plan on approaching your injury with the public.”

“By being upfront about it. Someone taught me honesty takes strength.” My eyes slide from the panel to Chloe. Her eyes gain a sheen in them as she stares at me.

I return my focus back on the panel. “I want to be a champion for those like me. I want to show them that—no matter what they want to achieve in life—no injury or obstacle should stop them. But I also want to be a model for those who have been broken by their circumstances because they deserve hope too.”

The leader asks if anyone else has any questions. The panel remains silent, and everyone in the room is asked to leave during the deliberation.

We all exit like cattle. Noah and I turn toward a corner while James excuses himself to talk to a colleague.

Chloe finds me and wraps her arms around my waist. “You did amazing! I’m beyond impressed by your answers.”

I kiss her temple. “Thank you.”

“I loved all your answers! And to think you thought them up on the go. Wow,” Maya chimes in.

“Hey, man. Long time, no see. I’m digging your new look.” Liam wraps his arm around my shoulder.

“It beats the Duck Dynasty thing you had going for yourself. Did you even bother using the beard lube I got you for Christmas last year?” Jax offers me his fist to pound.

I frown. “I thought it was a joke.”

“No, man. Sophie loves that shit, especially during certain activities.” Liam winks.

Sophie hides her face in his chest, only giving me a peek at her blonde hair.

Some things never change. I forgot how much I missed the easygoingness of our friendships. A surge of shame hits me at neglecting them during my time of darkness. But like Chloe says, I can’t change the past. I can only make up for it now.

“I’m surprised you all came.” Something squeezes in my chest.

“We can’t miss the beginning of your comeback story. This is how legends are made, after all.” Elena beams at me.

I cough and look down at my shoes.

“And I’m guessing this is Chloe? I’ve heard quite a lot about you from Noah and Maya.” Jax smiles at Chloe.

“Oh.” Chloe’s cheeks flush.

“I’d like you all to formally meet Chloe, my girlfriend.”

Her arms tighten around my waist as everyone assesses her.

She’s pretty. Sophie mouths before winking at me.

“It’s nice meeting you all.” Chloe grins.

“Is it really?” Noah smirks. “Don’t lie. The four of them are way less cool than Maya and me.”

“Wait, has Maya hung out with you and not said anything?” Sophie’s blue eyes bounce between her best friend and Chloe.

Chloe nods her head in all four directions, not giving anyone a clear answer.

I crack up at her anxiousness. “Don’t mind Sophie. She tends to get jealous.”

“Of what? Being kept secrets from? You have a girlfriend. You’ve never had a girlfriend besides that one girl from grade school,” Sophie sputters.

“Honestly, I thought you were gay for about point five seconds, but then Maya told me that wasn’t true.” Elena raises her hand.

“You thought I was gay?” My mouth drops open.

Elena nods.

I groan. “Is it too late to hide again? Chloe, are you in favor?”

Her body shakes from silent laughter. “Nope. I think you’re right where you belong.”