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Reverse (The Bittersweet Symphony Duet #2)(108)

Author:Kate Stewart

Aggravation for our situation begins to eat at me as I smack my head against the door, fists clenching at my side. She’s fucking infuriating, but no matter how hard I try, I can’t stop wanting her.

“I thought about your hands,” I hear in muffled confession from the other side of the adjoining suite’s door. “Your beautiful hands.”

In three strides, I’m pressed against it like a stalker, eager for her alcohol-induced revelations because it’s the only way I’ll get any real truth from her right now. What pisses me off the most is she’s got a warped sense that there’s some chase going on between us, but her feelings are so fucking obvious that it makes the notion ludicrous.

“…the way you looked at the hotel the day you sang for me… it was like the damned clouds parted just for you, and because you’re you, they probably did.” A long, exhausted exhale follows before shuffling ensues. I can only assume she’s struggling to get those tight-ass jeans down her legs.

“I think about the day I left,” I hear this admission clearly, seriously questioning the quality of our hotel as I catch the faint sounds on the other side of the door—the clank of her bracelets hitting the dresser, the unzipping of a bag. “Best sex…ever,” she proclaims.

“Couldn’t agree more,” I mutter, rolling my forehead along the inches-thick wood that separates us.

“I think about your dick. God, just wait until some groupie discloses the size of that particular gift,” she bites out. “You’ll have to load up on tasers.”

I bite my fist to stifle my chuckle as another bang echoes with an “Oww, oww, oww, shit!”

Grinning at the sound of the small crash that follows, I resign myself to another sleepless night. I don’t do the hard-up, beat-around-the-bush bullshit, but somehow, she has me participating in her fictional chase. The truth is, this battle was over for both of us the day she let me in. While I’ve already accepted defeat, she seems to want to die on this hill.

“Seeing you is going to screw me up all over again,” she whisper-yells, confirming it, as if she knows I’m within earshot. I manage to draw some inhuman strength and stay still to keep myself from going to her, from being in the same space with her, even if I can’t be with her the way I want to.

“I didn’t tell a soul, not a soul, and it’s because I wanted to keep you…all to myself.”

“Feeling’s mutual,” I sigh.

“Well, I told Percy, but our secret is safe with him. I feel…protective of you. I sent you what I wrote because I want to protect you so much.”

“You did,” I whisper, feeling the bite of my fingernails in my palms while managing to keep my groan inward. “Please, Beauty, go to sleep.”

“You don’t even realize you’re too good for all of us, for me.”

“Jesus,” I grip the frame, knuckles turning white. I bat all notions of giving up as the girl I sought out speaks to me from the other side of the door.

“I cried,” her mournful voice becomes clearer, as if she’s only a foot away, “the whole way to the airport.”

“I know, baby,” I whisper.

I’d opened the studio door after she slammed it on us to see her crack just before Joel shut her inside the SUV. I had to fight myself for ten minutes in my truck not to call and have him stop so I could drive to her, but I knew it would be pointless.

“Who does that? I felt like a lunatic.”

“You’re still not crazy,” I murmur, stepping back and ripping off my shirt before unbuckling my jeans. “Because if you are, so am I.”

I slip into the cool sheets and grip myself in my hand. Frustration and lust battle as I hasten my strokes at the memory of her spread out before me, post-orgasm, skin flushed as she reached for me. She murmurs my name a few minutes later, the need in her voice sending me over as I tense and shatter, holding in my groan as cum glides down my fist.

“I can’t fall for you, Easton,” she whispers hoarsely. “I’ll lose everything I’ve worked for…my whole life is in Austin, my future.”

“You’re already mine,” I declare, knowing that’s the truth for us both.

I Want You

Concrete Blonde


A knock on my hotel door jars me awake, and I snap to on the mattress. Wiping the drool from my face, I look down to see I’m in a cami, my panties discarded nearby on the floor, yet I somehow manage to have kept one pant leg clinging to my ankle.