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Reverse (The Bittersweet Symphony Duet #2)(141)

Author:Kate Stewart

“See you backstage,” he says to Dad before smugly sauntering off. Dad watches him go before turning to me, silently demanding an explanation.

“He made a pass at her in a very lewd way, knowing she was with me.”

“So, you punched him now? After the fact?”

“He deserved it. That’s why he didn’t retaliate.”

I move to organize the sheet music scattered along my piano, but Dad yanks my hand, my reddening knuckles in clear view. “Going to sting like a bitch playing with this tonight.” He shakes my swelling fist. “This fucking thing is a lot more valuable than fighting over some meaningless road fling.”

I rip my hand from his grip. “Well, maybe you treated women like dish detergent in your day, but that’s not my style.”

“The fuck?” He explodes. “You say this shit to me? I’ve been faithful to your mother well before and during your whole existence.”

“Have you?” I ask, having no idea where I’m going with this line of questioning. I exhale heavily when I see fury flare in his eyes. “Sorry, Dad. Shit, sorry.”

When his anger dissipates as a result of my apology, I deem his ability to let it go so easily a superpower I wish I possessed. But it’s her. I know it’s her, and meaningless is not a word I would associate with her. She’s under my skin, fueling my days, lightning in my veins. I’m already gone.

“What the fuck is going on with you? And don’t lie to me.”

“I’m stressed out,” I say honestly. “I have a lot on my mind.”

“So, take a day. Take two. You don’t have to be writing on your days off. Find something else to get into.”

“I can handle this, the road, on my own,” I snap.

“You gunning for me now?”

“No, Jesus.” I run my smarting hand through my hair. “I just fucking clocked a guy. Sorry if I haven’t leveled out yet.”

“I’m aware you can handle this on your own, East, and I’m not doubting you.” His watchful eyes trail me before I turn my back to sort the music.

“What aren’t you telling me?”

Briefly, I entertain broaching the subject with him. Natalie and I did agree to feel our parents out at some point. I open my mouth to speak, but the words die on my lips as he pulls the piano bench LL took down with him upright.

“Your fucking temper,” he barks, eyeing me in a way that makes me feel an inch tall. “You need to get a hold on that, son, and fast, or it’s going to fuck things up for you in the long run. Big things, important things. I have the same temper, but I’ve never let it get to me like it’s starting to eat at you.”

“It’s a matter of respect,” I tell him. “He doesn’t have any for himself, let alone anyone else. I told you I had a feeling about him, and I’m usually right.”

“He’s a musician in need of a paycheck who backs you on stage every night without fail,” Dad scolds. “Is it really worth the hassle to go at him over a random road hookup?” He shakes his head. “And just so we’re clear, all the money in the fucking world can’t repair the damage of a bad temper.”

“He deserved it,” I explain. “He was getting sucked off at a party and was trying to lure her into the mix, knowing she was with me. She’s not the type. She’s innocent. That’s why he didn’t fight back.”

Dad doesn’t miss a beat. “Then he deserved it.”

“Fucking thank you.” I straighten the sheets in my hands. “I can’t stand him. We’re replacing him after the tour,” I lift my chin in the direction LL left.

“Fine. I’ll take your word on this.” Long minutes pass while I pack my messenger bag. Dad lets out a heavy exhale before he breaks the silence. “I love him, son. I love that boy with everything in me, but his acid may be leaking a little too much into you.”

Confusion blinds me briefly until it hits me. “Benji?”

“He’s like a son to me, but he’s jaded as hell, and sadly his perception is a bit fucking skewed because of what he’s been through with Ben and Lexi. He’s smart. I’ll give him that, probably more intelligent than all of us. Buried somewhere inside him is a good heart, but make no mistake, he’s got more acid than blood running through him at this point.”

“He has a strong aversion to our government and commitment issues, but that’s Benji’s prerogative. Credit me for having a mind of my own.”