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Reverse (The Bittersweet Symphony Duet #2)(156)

Author:Kate Stewart

“Thank you,” I say. “I really, really, needed to hear that.” I look around the cabin of the plane. “I’m sure you’ve witnessed a lot over the years.”

“Yeah, I really have.” He chuckles, his eyes going glassy. “Stella and Reid were pretty mild, though they had their moments. Stella was a pistol as is, and when her Latina came out, everyone took cover.” He full-on laughs. “Reid has a temper, and most of the time, he kept it subdued. But put those two together on a bad night, the turbulence took place inside the plane.”

“I can’t imagine.”

“They’ve provided a fair share of drama over the years, but were always quick to make up and often did before the wheels hit the ground. Ben and Lexi—whole different animal. Lexi wouldn’t let Ben take Benji on tour without her, so those were good times.” Joel widens his eyes and tips his head back. “Picture an entire rock band, their spouses and kids, and mix that with some of the company the band kept,” he harrumphs. “It was a circus.”

I wince. “That bad?”

“Mostly when they toured with another band who gave zero fucks around toddlers and infants.” He shakes his head. “Put it this way, certain people with egos and unlimited money shouldn’t be granted the freedom that comes with it—no matter how talented they are—because they’re fucking terrifying to be around. I’ve had to deal with that in abundance, some of it on this fucking plane.”

“This is the Sergeants’ plane, isn’t it?”

Joel shrugs. “Well, it doesn’t belong to a big-breasted pop princess.”

“So why not tell me—” I widen my eyes. “Shit, Joel, did Easton steal the Sergeants’ plane so you could pick me up?”

“Wouldn’t be the first time,” he chuckles. “Or the second.”

“Jesus,” I can’t help my smile. “And I thought sneaking my dad’s Audi out for a joyride made me a rebel.”

“Easton has an amazing track record of busting Reid’s balls.”

“Apparently. So, speaking of band dynamics, how are the guys getting along?”

“They’re killing every show without fail.”

“Yeah, but backstage? Easton said he and LL don’t vibe well. Easton thinks he’s on something.”

“Something is going on with him. I’m not sure it’s drugs, but he’s definitely wrestling some demon. As long as he keeps his shit away from you and East and does his job, I really don’t give a damn.”

“I think LL’s misunderstood,” I say honestly.

“Natalie.” The warning in his voice jars me. “Do us both a favor and don’t look into it.”

“It’s escalating that badly?”

“For now, Reid’s keeping them both in check, but Easton’s been a lot less tolerant of LL since Dallas.”

“Really?” Anxiety spikes. “I’m partially to blame for that. I’ll talk to him.”

Joel goes to object, and I lift my hand.

“I won’t say a word about this discussion or rat you out, I swear. I’ll figure out a way to work it into a conversation.”

“Thanks. See, this is a prime example of when it gets dicey,” he relays.

“I totally understand, but you can trust me,” I promise.

“Why don’t you just enjoy tonight and let them work their testosterone issues out for themselves.”

“I think I will. I can’t believe he sent you for me.”

The pilot announces our flight time to Salt Lake City as our attendant approaches us with champagne and orange juice. Taking both glasses of champagne, I extend one to Joel, bristling with renewed excitement.

“I’m not the only one who needs to enjoy themselves.” Joel eyes the champagne, and I press in. “Come on, Joel, just one. Celebrate with me.”

“Just one,” he says, taking the glass before clinking it with mine.




The minute we touch down in Salt Lake, I am thankful for the slight champagne buzz as Joel’s mission to get me to the concert becomes an instant flurry of activity. As it turns out, Joel has a driver waiting on both of us. The second my luggage is transferred into the blacked-out SUV, we are speeding toward the venue. I spend most of our drive primping as Joel begins a series of phone calls, barking orders to security to ensure our passage to the stage with strict instructions to keep us under the radar. Easton wasn’t at all exaggerating when he said we’d need Joel. He’s been a white knight for us the last two months, being our lone driver, getting us to and from our hideaways safely and undetected.