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Riverbend Reunion(102)

Author:Carolyn Brown

揂re we going to be that comfortable when it抯 time for our son to graduate??Wade whispered to Jessica.

His breath on the soft part of her neck still caused tingles to chase down her whole body. She hoped that when they were married fifty years and sitting in rocking chairs on the front porch of the house they were going to build not far from the bar, she could answer yes to that. But that afternoon, sitting there in the heat, without a cloud in the blue Texas skies, she wanted to hold on to what she had found and never let any of it go.

揑抦 just going to enjoy every day I get with you and this baby, and all our friends,?Jessica answered. 揊amily is what makes life worth living.?

揧ou got that right,?Wade said.

揑t抯 the gospel truth.?She smiled over at him.

Author抯 Note Dear Readers, I抳e heard that the eyes are the windows of the soul. I don抰 doubt it, because the eyes portray so much expression梥adness, happiness, anger. I抦 not arguing with that at all, but I believe that music is the window to the heart. Sometimes my characters tell me that a song speaks to their heart more than words could ever do. That抯 the case with the folks in Riverbend Reunion. Several songs came into both Wade抯 and Jessica抯 minds, as well as the twins? during the course of them telling me their stories. I hope that you enjoy listening to the songs when you read the story. They were all pretty adamant about their selections, and sometimes even woke me up at night to visit with me about them.

As I抳e said before, it takes a village to help produce a book from a simple proposal to what you hold in your hands today. My thanks to all the folks in that village: to my agent, Erin Niumata, and my agency, Folio Literary Management, for everything you do; to my Montlake editor, Alison Dasho, and my entire team there, from copy editors and proofreaders to cover artists and all those who work so hard at promotion, for continuing to believe in me; to my developmental editor, Krista Stroever, the best of the best, please know that I appreciate your advice and suggestions so much; and to all my readers who continue to support me梱ou are truly the wind beneath my wings. And last but not least, to my family, who understands that deadlines often have to come first梩hank you for everything you do so I can live out my dream.

It抯 not easy to leave my characters behind when I finish a book. I spend so much time with them that they become real to me. I hope that you feel that way when you reach the last page, and that they have touched your emotions.

Until next time, Carolyn Brown