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Royally Not Ready(105)

Author:Meghan Quinn

I took it upon myself to clean him up.

And now that his erection is gone, I can concentrate.

Thank God. What a morning.

Keller comes back into the room, his muscles still tense from the buildup he endured this morning, and sits next to me on the couch.

Pulling my chin toward him, he lays a desperate kiss on my lips but releases me almost right away.

I groan as a plea. “What was that for?” I ask.

“No more enticing me.”

“Enticing you?” I ask. “Uh, I have done nothing. You’re the one who’s getting all handsy. I’m trying to be a good student.”

“Widening your legs so I can see your addicting pussy isn’t enticing?”

“Well, you see, I couldn’t stop staring at your dick, therefore, I had to do something about it. It’s all your fault. If you’d just taken care of your erection, then we wouldn’t have had a misstep during wood carving.”

“You’re turning this around on me?”

“Uh, yeah, Mr. Walks Around With An Erection. Who does that? Just jack off, or better yet, fuck me, and then we both win.”

“Have you ever heard of delayed gratification?”

“Yes, but, Keller, you were so hard.”

“I’m aware, Lilly. But I’ll come when I want to come, understood?”

“Yes . . . my King.”

“Good.” He scoots back on the couch and spreads his legs. “Now sit between my legs and bring your wood so I can help you.”

“Bring your wood.” I chuckle. “Shouldn’t I be saying that to you?”

His brow raises. “Don’t test me, Lilly.”

“But it’s so fun.”

“I told you, no fooling around today, we have things to get done.”

A loud guffaw pops out of my mouth. “Me, goofing around? Uh, excuse me, sir, but you’re the one who hasn’t let me shut my legs since I woke up.”

“Are you complaining?” he asks in such a rich, threatening tone that I feel a chill run up my back.

“No, just pointing out the obvious.”

“Not needed. Now get over here so I can teach you a lesson in woodworking.”

“Oh yes, teach me, big man.”

“Lilly . . .”

“Ooo, a warning tone.” I settle between his legs and hold my piece of wood out in front of me. “I like it when you use that tone. It makes my nipples hard.”

“Are you trying to make me angry?”

“We haven’t had angry sex yet, so we could go for the trifecta today. Sweet morning sex, shower sex, and angry sex. Talk about being accomplished.”

His arms come around me and his lips fall close to my ear. “Focus, Lilly, or else you’re not going to get what I’ve planned for later.”

“Oh, the quiz? I’m sure that’ll be fun.”

His hand slides under the hem of my shirt and up my side until it reaches my breast. He pulls my nipple between his fingers and gives it a good squeeze.

Fuck . . .

Mouth right on my ear, he says, “Trust me, Lilly, it’s more than a quiz.”

Then he releases me and takes the piece of wood from between my hands.

And he thinks I’m the one teasing him?

“Basswood is the best wood to carve, especially as a beginner,” he says, as if everything is fine and him pinching my nipple didn’t just spur me on once more. “And you want to make sure it’s fully dry. If you feel it’s wet in any area, the wood will be of no use to you because when it dries, it’ll crack leaving your carving broken.”

Okay, I’ll admit it, it’s kind of sexy hearing him talk about this carving stuff.

“And you see the way the grain in the wood is flowing?” He runs his large hand over the wood. “That’s the way you want to carve, with the grain.” He picks up a carving knife, a thin, curved piece of sharp metal on a wooden handle. “See the curve in this knife? This is so you can use both hands to push the blade through the wood. One to guide, one to push. It will offer you better control.”

He adjusts his hands on the piece of wood, presses his thumb to the curve of the blade and, as if he’s carving through butter, he pushes the blade through the wood, taking off a chunk.

“Think you can handle that?”

“I think so,” I say as he hands me the wood and the knife. Looking over my shoulder, arms around me, he helps me get my hands into position, and then with his own, he overlaps mine and helps me make my first cut. Together, we shave a long strip off the end and onto the floor.