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Save Me(WITSEC #2)

Author:Ashley N. Rostek

Save Me(WITSEC #2)

Ashley N. Rostek


Shi stormed out, her beautiful purple hair swaying behind her as she stomped away. I wanted to chase after her. I knew she was confused and pissed off that we made her leave.

Keelan shut the door and leaned against it with his arms folded over his chest. “I have feelings for her,” he said. This was why I’d stayed put. We couldn’t avoid this conversation any longer.

“We aren’t blind,” I said. I wished I was surprised Shiloh and Keelan had kissed. I looked at Colt. As if sensing me, he looked back at me. We’d known this was coming.

“I want more than just friendship with her,” Keelan said. “And I know she wants that, too.”

“We’re not just going to give her to you,” Colt said tightly. Even though we’d known our brothers wanted Shi, that didn’t make this situation any easier.

Keelan frowned. “I wasn’t going to take her completely. I know how much she means to you.”

“You want to share her,” I suggested, not seeing the point of beating around the bush. “You want in on the relationship Colt and I have with her?”

Keelan nodded. “I want her. Even if it’s only a part of her.”

Knox scoffed from where he sat behind his desk. “You sound like children negotiating over who gets to play with the toy next.”

We all frowned at our oldest brother. I loved him, but Knox could be a real dick sometimes.

“Get down from your high horse, brother,” Keelan said, smirking at him like he was privy to something Knox didn’t want him to know. Out of all of us, Keelan knew Knox the best. He handled his bullshit the best, too. “We know you have feelings for her, too.”

Knox leaned back in his chair. “You don’t know anything.” He flicked his fingers at us. “What you all are considering is a bad idea. It’s going to end badly. You’ll either end up resenting each other or hurting her.”

“We would never hurt her,” Colt assured him.

Knox looked away from us. “She’s extremely innocent and the three of you horny shitheads are going to try to share her between you?” He shook his head. “You’ll end up traumatizing her more than she already is.”

“Don’t talk about her like that. Shi isn’t weak,” I snapped.

“I know she isn’t weak,” Knox snapped back. “I just don’t want her to be pressured into anything she’s not ready for.”

“We would never do that,” Colt seethed. “That you think we would is insulting.”

“Sounds to me like you’re more worried about us hurting her than anything else,” Keelan pointed out.

“He wants her. He’s just too stubborn to admit it,” I said.

Knox clenched his jaw as his eyes flicked to me. “I don’t want her. I don’t want any part in this relationship the three of you want with her.”

I went to argue, but my phone started ringing. I pulled it from my pocket and saw that it was Shi. I hit the answer button and put the phone to my ear. “Hello?”

“Creed.” Her voice sounded strained and tired. It put me on edge.

“Shiloh, you okay?” I asked, but she didn’t answer. “Shi?”

“What is it?” Colt asked as he moved closer to me.

I looked at my phone to see if we’d gotten disconnected. We hadn’t and my phone was still counting the time of the call. I put the phone back to my ear. “Shi?” Still she didn’t reply. “Something isn’t right,” I said out loud.

“What do you mean?” Keelan asked, pushing off the door.

I shook my head and I tried to listen to the background noise. Very faintly I could hear breathing. Shiloh’s breathing. Then I heard a tiny whimper. “Something’s wrong with Shiloh,” I stated as I ran around Keelan and ripped open the door. I could hear my brothers running behind me as I ran past the front desk and out the front door. I looked around the parking lot, searching for Shi’s 4Runner.

Knox came up next to me and pointed. “Her car is still here.”

The four of us ran in that direction, and as we got closer, I could see feet on the ground on the driver’s side. They didn’t belong to her, though. They looked like they belonged to a guy.

“Shi!” I yelled.

“Shiloh!” Colt yelled a second after me.

Knox and Keelan outran Colt and I and got there before us. Knox knelt between the cars as we approached. At first, I only saw an unconscious guy on the ground who looked a little familiar. Maybe I’d seen him around the gym before? The next thing I saw was Shiloh a foot away from him with her phone next to her mouth, also unconscious.

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