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Say You Swear(53)

Author:Meagan Brandy

I laugh and shove him toward the open tables. “No, you didn’t.”

He grins but doesn’t argue.

We drop into the seats, and Brady pulls out two water bottles and four ham and cheese Lunchables, setting them on the table between us.

I laugh, quick to open a pack and stack my first bite. “Always coming in clutch.”

“You know I got you.” He winks, digging in.

We get lost in the world of psychology and before we know it, it’s late in the evening. The library is quickly filling up with a whole new breed of human, the obnoxious procrastinators, and those forced here for after-hours tutoring.

I slump against my chair, and Brady mimics my position.

“My brain is done, Brady.” I drop my head onto his shoulder, and he rests his on top of mine.

“Right back atcha.” He tosses his pencil on the table. “Wanna eat?”

I laugh because with Brady, it’s either football, food, or, well, sex. I nod. “I could eat.”

“Cool.” He gently nudges me off and stands, shoving his books back in his backpack. “Let’s meet the boys at the burger place off campus.”

I must hesitate too long because he stops mid-pack and stands to his tallest height. His earthy green eyes narrow in on me. “Don’t give me no lip. You’re coming.”

I huff and shift to stand. “Can’t you just come to my house?”

“Don’t want to.”

“We could go to that pizza place down the road?”

“Fine. I’ll see if they want to go there.”

“Brady…” I drop my eyes to my bag.

He sighs and walks around my chair, enveloping me in his one-of-a-kind, big bear hug. “Not gonna lie, you’re pissing me off a bit here, Ari Baby. But I got eyes, I know some shit went down with you and Chase and you’re trying to steer clear, but that ain’t fair to the rest of us. We’re your boys, you’re our girl. Suck it the fuck up or I’ll end up laying out my best friend.”

A sorrowful laugh slips from me. “I don’t want to make it awkward for anyone and it’s kind of… hard for me.”

Brady tenses slightly. “I know.” He drops closer to my ear to whisper, “Good thing you’ve got that game face down, huh… need you to put it on for me right quick.”

I pull back, as he does, and frown up at him.

He gives a subtle nod before his attention lifts over my head.

“Wud up, pussies! Come to scope the scene?” He grins. “’Cause if you did, I got dibs on the shy little redhead over there.” He hooks a thumb over his shoulder.


My heart rate spikes and I take in a shallow breath as the boys walk around the table, making themselves seen.

“Sister.” Mason’s smile falters the longer he looks at me, but I force one for his benefit.


His eyes thin the slightest bit. “We’re going to get some food, thought maybe you guys were ‘bout done.” Mason looks to my half-packed bag. “Seems you are.”

Chase looks to me, but I keep my focus on Mason.

Shit. Think, Ari!

“Oh, well, uh, I—”


My already accelerated heart goes into overdrive, yet I sigh in relief as my gaze flicks over my brother’s shoulder.

In that second, all three turn to face the man walking up behind them.

My brother grins wide, offering his team captain a fist bump. “Noah, what up?”

Noah meets Mason’s knuckles with his own, tossing a subtle wink my way when my brother says something else I don’t catch.

Noah chuckles. “Nah, man. Just came to get Ari.”

Oooh. Shit.

My pulse is jumping from my skin; it has to be. I’m too scared to look at my brother, so I don’t, locking eyes with Noah instead. His chin lowers, probably unnoticeably where the others are concerned. “Ready?”

“Wait, what?” Brady’s shadow crowds me from behind, and to my right, my brother moves closer.

Noah doesn’t move an inch, keeping his blue eyes on me. “Sorry I’m late, got caught up at the student center.”

“Don’t worry about it,” I keep up. “We barely finished.”

One side of Noah’s mouth lifts into a grin and I fight my own.

“Uh…” Mason drags out, clearing his throat, and I finally face him. He reaches up scratching at his head, his frown flicking between mine and my rescuer’s. They settle on me. “You got plans… with him?”

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