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Secrets We Hunt (One Night #2)(23)

Author:Dana Isaly

“Yes, yes,” she chants over and over until her pussy grabs my dick in a vise grip, fluttering around it in the most delicious way. I follow her shortly after, letting my own orgasm rip through me. We fall forward on the bed, and I roll us to the side, holding her against my chest, my cock still twitching inside of her.

“I don’t think you know how hot it is to feel us leak out between your thighs,” I tell her as my fingers reach down and find where we’re joined, playing and teasing.

“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you have a bit of a breeding kink, Wesley.” She wiggles her ass, causing more of my cum to leak out of her.

“Breeding kink without the breeding,” I tell her, laughing as I kiss my way across her shoulder.

“Good to know we’re on the same page there.” Her laughter makes my chest feel ridiculous.

I play with her hair and draw circles on her back with my fingertips as she relaxes against me. We may be on our way to healing, but I’m nowhere near done with my uncle. He isn’t going to get off so easily. He deserves some fucking retribution for what he did to her, and I plan on exacting that as soon as I possibly can.

It won’t be too hard to track him down, not when his entire life is written down on the internet. I’ll have to get Owen’s help with this one though. I need it covered up by professionals with all the connections he holds.

“You’re thinking very loudly,” she says, reaching behind her to play with my hair.

“I didn’t mean to be.” I kiss her neck. “Want to get cleaned up?”

“Please,” she says, and I slowly slip out of her so that she can go to the bathroom. I roll onto my back and stare at the ceiling, thinking about all of the different ways I can make my uncle bleed for what he did to her.

My skin feels too tight, and I know I can’t wait forever. Maybe I’ll go pay him a visit while she visits her family in Morocco, and then I can meet up with her after.

I roll over and grab my phone out of my jeans pocket on the floor and shoot off a quick text to Owen, letting him know I’m going to need his help soon. I won’t tell them why; I won’t betray Zo?’s confidence like that. Not that the guys would push the issue. We trust each other. If something like this needs to happen, we trust there’s a reason.

Hitting Send, I toss it back onto the floor as Zo? walks out of the bathroom and yawns as she crawls back into bed.

“I’m not going to wake up to an empty bed again, am I?” I ask her as she curls herself into my body.

“That depends,” she says. “What was in that sneaky little text you just sent off?”

“Oh, you saw that, did you?” I laugh. “I’m enlisting Owen’s help for when I go beat the ever-loving shit out of my uncle,” I tell her bluntly.

She tenses, but other than that doesn’t give anything away. I let her think about it for a moment. Zo? doesn’t really know who I am anymore, but she has to know what he did can’t go unpunished. He touched her, he violated her, he took her from me. I won’t stand by with that information and do nothing.

“Okay,” she finally says, her voice small and quiet. “What’re you going to do to him?”

“I haven’t decided that yet,” I tell her. “There are so many ways to hurt someone without killing them, and I want to be smart about it.” I take a deep breath, trying to keep my anger under control. “Owen will help in that department though. I don’t know what the fuck his family gets up to behind the scenes, but he’s always there when shit goes down and something needs to be swept under the rug.”

“Quite the group of upstanding citizens you’ve got there.” She smiles up at me. “So, we’re doing this?” she asks.

“We’re doing this.”

“You have a lot of sucking up to do to my family, you know,” she says, wrapping herself more tightly around my body. “I may have told them all you were the one who abandoned me, not the other way around,” she says with nervous laughter.

“That’s okay, Zo-Zo. I’m great with moms,” I say in a teasing tone.

“Hands to yourself, Wesley,” she says, squeezing my sides exactly where I’m fucking ticklish. I laugh and roll over on top of her, pinning her hands above her head. I kiss her nose and then her mouth.

“Knock it off before I put you over my knee, Zo?.”

“Promises, promises.” She smiles and kisses me.


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