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The 6:20 Man(123)

Author:David Baldacci

They sat in silence for a few moments. Devine finally said, “Chilton was killed because of his connection to Cowl and Area 51.”

“But if they killed Christian for confronting Brad, why would they dump his body in Brad’s pool? That would lead the police to suspect Brad right off. There were plenty of other ways to get rid of his body.”

“Which might mean that Cowl and his partners had a falling-out. They might have done that to incriminate Cowl.”

“Does that mean he’s already dead? They clear Area 51, get rid of Christian and Brad, and go somewhere else and set up the money-laundering operation?”

Devine’s phone buzzed. He answered it and his mouth fell open. He listened for a few moments, said, “I’ll be there,” and then put the phone down. “Well, Cowl is still alive. That was him, and he wants to meet tonight.”


“In his penthouse.”

“Do we trust him?”

“Not with either one of our lives.”

“So what do we do? Not go? Call in the cavalry?”

“Neither one.”

“But we have to have a plan. We just can’t waltz in there to get killed.”

“Going into battle is the one thing I do really well. And you’re not going.”

She looked incredulous. “What the hell are you talking about?”

“I’m trained for this stuff, you’re not.”

“Like you were trained when Brad was about to grab the phone and let you out only it wouldn’t have worked the elevator and your cover would have been blown right there? I was the one who stepped in and saved your ass.”

Devine drew close to her and started speaking slowly and earnestly. “Listen, I figure I have about a fifty-fifty chance of making it out of there alive. That’s good enough for me, but it’s not good enough for you. I can’t let you do that.”

“How about allowing me to make that choice?”

“Jesus, Michelle, can you just trust me on this one?”

“How about you trust me on this one?”

“What are you talking about?”

“I have a plan that I think will get us in and out alive.”

“How could you possibly know that?”

“Because I know Brad, better than you ever will. And you asked me to trust you once, and I did. How about I get the same courtesy?”

They held a stare-off for about five seconds until Devine broke it. “What’s your plan?”



AT HALF PAST ELEVEN THAT night Devine used his security card to let himself and Montgomery inside the Cowl Building. The guard wasn’t around. Devine looked at his watch. Making rounds, he assumed. Or maybe he was lying dead somewhere. There was a lot of that going around here.

They took the elevator up as high as they could, and the doors opened.

And there was Cowl. He was dressed nattily in a dark suit, white shirt, and no tie. He looked fresh despite the hour and smiled when they climbed off the elevator car.

“Michelle, didn’t expect to see you tonight.”

“Where the hell have you been, Brad?” exclaimed Montgomery.

“Just taking care of business,” said Cowl. He turned to Devine. “I got your message. I have no idea what it means, but I thought I’d have you up for a chat.”

“Christian was found dead in your pool,” snapped Montgomery. “The police think you killed him.”

“Well, I didn’t. In fact, I’ve been out of town, and I have lots of people who can verify that. My attorneys have already been in touch with the police and we are fully cooperating. If Christian got himself killed it’s not my problem. In fact, he and Devine here had a real dustup. Maybe Devine went back to finish the job at my place to make it look like I had something to do with it.” Cowl gave Devine a smirk. “In fact, we’ve already let the authorities know all about that. I’m sure they’ll be in touch.”

“Is that really how you’re going to play it, then?” said Devine. “With Stamos’s death, too?”

“Let’s head up and discuss this.” He led them to his private elevator.

When they got to the penthouse, Cowl patted Devine down, checking for weapons. When he turned to Montgomery, she gave him a fierce look and said, “Don’t even think about it, Brad.”

He grinned and held up his hands in mock surrender. “Okay, babe, okay.” He eyed her extremely tight midriff tube top and knee-length flared skirt. “Don’t think you have any hiding places on you anyway. But let me see inside your purse.”