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The Candid Life of Meena Dave(125)

Author:Namrata Patel

“Tell me you’ve been using it.”

“In a way,” Meena said. “I flirted with Sam, and now we’re dating, seeing where this could go.”

“Oh my God.”

Meena laughed. “I know. It’s . . . I don’t know how to describe it.”

“Teenage-girl crush?”

“It feels bigger than that. More. I don’t want to get ahead of myself. It just feels nice.”

“Enjoy every second of it,” Zoe said. “One day he’ll make you watch him play video games, and you’ll want to remember that you do really like him.”

“I will. OK, I’ll write down the dates once you figure out when you want to visit and block out my calendar,” Meena said.

“Who are you?”

Meena Dave. Meena laughed. “I’m happy.”

“I like it,” Zoe said. “All right, let’s do it. A holiday in Boston. If you don’t make me do any historical tours, it’ll be a blast.”

“Don’t worry. I’m going to take you to all the parts of Boston where we fought the British and won. There’s an entire Freedom Trail dedicated to the markers of our independence from you lot.”

“In that case”—Zoe smirked—“I’ll be sure to carry the Union Jack and wave it around.”

They chatted for a bit longer. Once off the phone, Meena wandered around the apartment. She ran her fingers along the wall by the front door. Took a deep breath and exhaled. Then she went to her bedroom and grabbed the envelope. She dug out a pen and notebook. After a few minutes of thought, she wrote out a note, petty maybe, but it felt good. She pressed the metal clip together to open the envelope, slid in the note, then pressed it back in place. Then Meena ran up two flights of stairs and slid the envelope under Sabina’s door.

She’d responded to Sabina’s offer.

Because she didn’t want to ruin her good mood, Meena slipped out the front door and walked over Storrow Drive to the esplanade. Half the city was running, walking, biking, or sitting along the river. It was what the locals did on a warm day after a cold winter.

She smiled and waved at an older couple who walked past her from the other direction. She was going to be a local. She didn’t need Sabina to make her feel welcome. The city would; the other aunties and Sam would. Sabina might not have wanted her then or want her now, but Sabina’s wants, and wishes, would not define Meena’s life, would not prevent Meena from making her apartment a home.

She walked along the footpath with the earth firm beneath her sneakers.


Meena played tug-of-war with Wally on the cold grass while Sam sat on the bench. Over the past week, they’d traded little items back and forth. He left her mostly food, while she left him a few gags, like a tuxedo T-shirt. On the back she’d written in block letters, Vora. Sam Vora. She’d drawn a tiny martini glass next to it for laughs. Last night they’d gone to pub trivia and come in fourth, which Ava had not been happy about. They had strict instructions to get it together for next week.

“He’s getting so big.” Meena lay on the ground, and Wally changed the game to climbing over her.

“Off.” Sam pointed to the floor.

Wally obeyed and sauntered away to sniff something by the fence.

Meena brushed off her jeans and sat on the bench. “He’s learning.”


They watched him go from bush to bush, sniffing. He found a twig and played as if it were the best thing that had happened in his dog life. The sun warm on her face, Meena leaned back and curled her legs under her. It was a peaceful Sunday afternoon. Until Sabina came through Sam’s porch and into the yard.