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The Christie Affair(65)

Author:Nina de Gramont

Early that same morning in Yorkshire, Chilton opened the door of his room to see the American woman, Lizzie Clarke, walk down the hall dressed for travelling. He pulled the door closed before she could notice him and saw her rap on a door, a delicate knock, careful to rouse only the occupant and nobody in neighbouring rooms. Once the door had opened then shut, Mrs Clarke disappearing into the room, Chilton removed his shoes and padded down the hall to listen.

‘Donny’s had a telegram,’ the American voice said. ‘We have to cut things short. Go back to the States.’

To Chilton’s ears, the voice that responded – female, British – sounded as though she knew someone were listening. A little too loud and not quite genuine. ‘I do hope everything is all right.’

‘Yes,’ Mrs Clarke replied. ‘Everything is perfect. Perfect.’

Chilton imagined the two women, sitting together on the unmade bed, hands clasped. Even with the note of falsehood in the other woman’s tone, he sensed a kind of intimacy. He returned to his room and sat on the bench at the foot of his bed to lace his shoes, which he noticed were going about the seams. He would have to tell Lippincott this morning. ‘I’ve found Agatha Christie,’ he would say. ‘Right as rain. No distress. All she wants is her privacy.’

Perhaps he and Lippincott could be kind about it, and hatch a plan that would suit the authoress. They could tell the husband and no one else, call off the search, let her reappear when she was good and ready.

But even if the law could be convinced to let it rest, the press never would. Newspapers around the world were making a mint off this story. It was Mrs Christie’s good luck that someone from the police had found her, instead of someone from the press. Mrs Christie seemed to have chosen the one place in England nobody expected her to be.

And still she’d been found. Such was the world. There was never any hiding for long. He finished dressing and headed down to breakfast. The Clarkes were at the front desk settling up with Mrs Leech.

‘How do you do,’ he said to the three of them. He pulled out a cigarette and brought it to his lips but did not light it. Mrs Clarke looked uneasy for a scant second, then adjusted herself to a stark inscrutability.

‘Good morning,’ she said, sharp American ‘r’。 The husband said nothing, just shuffled bills into Mrs Leech’s hand.

‘Thank you, Mr Clarke,’ said Mrs Leech. ‘So good of you to pay in full.’ More than one guest had fled since the two deaths, and not all had been so generous. ‘Prayers for your safe voyage.’

Mr Clarke turned to Chilton, drawing a match from his pocket and lighting the other man’s cigarette. His wife said, ‘I’m looking forward to it, actually. Getting back on a ship. I think these hot pools are overrated. No offence,’ she said, glancing at Mrs Leech with apology. ‘I just like cold water. Give me the open sea any day over a hot steamy cave.’

The young husband returned the matchbox to his inside pocket and placed a hand between his wife’s shoulder blades, manoeuvring her towards the front door as if their exit were a dance.

‘Bon voyage,’ Chilton said quietly, watching them go. The bellboy pushed a trolley holding their modest collection of luggage. Then he said to Mrs Leech, ‘How curious of them to come all this way, only to stay a few days. You’d think they’d at least go and see the continent.’

She asked him if he needed the telephone. In fact, he had not only a need but an obligation. But he found himself saying, ‘No thank you. Not just now. But I wonder if you know – are there many abandoned houses in Harrogate?’

‘Abandoned, certainly not. Unoccupied, yes, there are a few. Country homes for city folk; they come so rarely I wonder they don’t just stay in a hotel. I never did care for the city myself, Mr Chilton.’

‘Nor I.’ He pulled at the hem of his tweed jacket, which felt loose, as though he’d lost still more weight. It’s important to eat, he reminded himself. It’s important to work. To go through the motions.

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