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The First to Die at the End (Death-Cast #0)(112)

Author:Adam Silvera

A marriage, even.

The early days with Frankie were passionate, as if they were floating above everyone else in their orbit, to the point where whenever Gloria was brought back to earth, she missed that high. So much so that she ignored the red flags billowing in the winds.

Who would have thought that falling in love could take you to the skies?

But people don’t have wings, and walking through life is how you get to be in it.

It’s up close, it’s personal, it’s real.

Gloria regrets not having kept her feet on the ground, especially after how often she found herself being thrown to the floor by the man who once took her to impossible heights.

Here she is now, seated at the restaurant named after her favorite poem, written by Max Ehrmann as if he was staring into her soul as he put pen to paper. Desiderata is about what you need in life, what you desire, and when the door opens and in walks Rolando, Gloria breathes as if he’s the oxygen she’s been craving.

It doesn’t even matter that he’s not carrying sunflowers.

“Uncle Rolando!” Pazito slides out of the booth and rushes to Rolando, almost crashing into a waiter.

“Hey, Paz-Man!” Rolando hugs Pazito with a love and tenderness that Frankie doesn’t.

Gloria thinks—no, she believes with her whole heart that Rolando will be an amazing father one day. She’s mostly sad that she didn’t realize this, oh, twenty years ago when he confessed his love for her, but it’s okay. Gloria’s greatest creation is Pazito, and she wouldn’t change a single hair on his head or bone in his body, and that means accepting some of those hairs and bones come from Frankie too.

She gets out of the booth with a smile and a hug.

“Great to see you,” Rolando says, as if it’s been years since the Fourth of July when they last saw each other for a barbecue in Althea Park, the same day he applied for the Death-Cast job.

“You too,” Gloria says. Even though she wants to hold on to Rolando for dear life, she lets go and sits opposite of him and Pazito. “So . . . tough day?”

Rolando’s tired brown eyes seem to say so. “I should’ve known what I was getting into with that job.”

“Did you cry a lot?” Pazito asks. “I think I would cry a lot.”

“That’s because you have a big heart,” Rolando tells him. “I’m going to be honest, I haven’t cried.”

“So you don’t have a big heart,” Pazito says.

Rolando chuckles. “I like to think I do, Paz-Man.”

Gloria is a breath away from agreeing before her son fires off his next question.

“Have you found out how your bosses know who’s going to die yet?”

“No, I haven’t. I actually won’t—”

“I think everyone has a prophecy,” Pazito interrupts. “And Death-Cast somehow knows everyone’s destinies. Prophecies are a big part of the Scorpius Hawthorne books.”

“You might be right, but I won’t be able to find out the big secret. I quit this morning.”

Gloria leans forward. “You did? Why?”

Before he can answer, the waiter approaches, asking if he can get anything started for the table. Gloria still remembers how long it took for her and Rolando to place an order last time, promising their waitress they would take a look at the menu in just a moment, but the two kept joking around and laughing so hard that they were fighting for their next breath. She’s mourning a life of love and laughter and light as she orders a hot tea and waffles with maple syrup.

“I’ll just have a black coffee,” Rolando says.