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The Forest House (Avalon #2)

Author:Marion Zimmer Bradley

The Forest House (Avalon #2)

Marion Zimmer Bradley


Those who are familiar with Bellini’s opera Norma will recognize the origins of this story. In homage to Bellini, the hymns in chapters five and twenty-two are adapted from the libretto of act I, scene i, and those in chapter thirty from act II, scene ii. The hymns to the moon in chapters seventeen and twenty-four are taken from the Carmina Gadelica, a collection of traditional Highland prayers collected in the late nineteenth century by the Reverend Alexander Carmichael.


* = historical figure

( )= dead before story begins


Gaius Macellius Severus Siluricus (called Gaius, native name Gawen), a young officer, born of a British mother

Gaius Macellius Severus, senior (called Macellius), father of Gaius, Prefectus Castrorum of the II Adiutrix Legion at Deva, Equestrian rank

(Moruadh, Royal Woman of the Silures, mother of Gaius) Manlius, physician at Deva

Capellus, Macellius’s orderly

Philo, Gaius’s Greek slave

Valerius, secretary to Macellius

Valeria (later called Senara), half-Briton niece of Valerius

Martius Julius Licinius, Procurator (financial officer) of Britannia

Julia Licinia, his daughter

Charis, her Greek maid

Lydia, nurse to her children

Licinius Corax, the Procurator’s cousin in Rome

Marcellus Clodius Malleus, senator, Gaius’s patron

Lucius Domitius Brutus, Commander of the XX Valeria Victrix Legion after its move to Deva

Father Petros, a Christian hermit

* (Gaius Julius Caesar, "the deified Julius,” who began the conquest of Britannia)

* (Suetonius Paulinus, Governor of Britain during Boudicca’s rebellion)

* (Vespasian, Emperor AD 69–79)

* (Quintus Petilius Cerealis, Governor of Britain AD 71–4)

* (Sextus Julius Frontinus, Governor of Britain AD 74–7)

* Gnaeus Julius Agricola, Governor of Britain AD 78–84

* Gaius Cornelius Tacitus, his son-in-law and aide, a historian

Sallustius Lucullus, Governor of Britain after Agricola

* Titus Flavius Vespasianus, Emperor Titus AD 79–81

* Titus Flavius Domitianus, Emperor Domitian AD 81–96

* Herennius Senecio, a senator

* Flavius Clemens, a cousin of Domitian


Bendeigid, a Druid living near Vernemeton Rheis, a daughter of Ardanos and wife of Bendeigid

Mairi, their eldest daughter, wife of Rhodri

Vran, her young son

Eilan, their middle daughter

Senara, their youngest daughter

Gawen, Eilan’s son by Gaius

Cynric, foster son of Bendeigid Ardanos, Arch-Druid of Britannia Dieda, his younger daughter

Clotinus Albus (Caradac), a Romanized Briton Gwenna, his daughter Red Rian, an Irish raider

Hadron, one of the Ravens, father of Valeria (later called Senara) * (Boudicca, "The Killer Queen,” queen of the Iceni, leader of the revolt in AD 61) * (Caractacus, a leader of the rebellion) (Cartimandua, queen of the Brigantes, who betrayed Caractacus to Rome) Calgacus, Caledonian chieftain, who led the tribes at Mons Graupius

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