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The Gilded Cage (The Prison Healer #2)(129)

Author:Lynette Noni

The next morning, Kiva awoke to an anxious feeling that she couldn’t shake. Part of it, she knew, was from being confronted by Caldon last night, even if he’d given no indication that he planned to reveal her secret. The very thought knotted her stomach, making it difficult to swallow the final mouthful of Delora’s potion.

After a strenuous training session, she returned to the palace, her anxiety growing at the sight of so many people flooding the halls. With Mirryn’s masquerade only a day away, preparations were in full swing, countless servants, caterers, and entertainers rushing about, enough to keep Kiva firmly on edge, even if she couldn’t pinpoint why.

Unable to handle her growing distress, Kiva intended to slip out after her breakfast, not only for some peace and quiet, but also to sneak in her trip to Blackwater Bog. But just as she was preparing to leave, Mirryn fluttered into her room, followed closely by two maidservants wheeling a rack of dresses, and an elderly man with a tape measure around his neck.

“Good, you’re here,” Mirryn said to Kiva.

“What’s, uh, going on?” she asked, eyes wide.

“You need an outfit for tomorrow night,” the princess answered, and with no further warning, she began giving orders to the maidservants as the tailor approached Kiva to take her measurements. He then forced her into gown after gown, with both him and Mirryn providing a running — and critical — commentary.

“Too puffy!”

“Needs more sparkle!”

“Not enough bosom!”

“Far too much bosom!”

“Why are there so many ruffles? Less ruffles! No ruffles!”

And on it went.

For hours.

By the time they finally settled on the perfect dress, it took all of Kiva’s remaining patience to keep from screaming when the tailor, Nevard, stated that they now needed to choose a mask.

Ready to pull out Naari’s dagger and threaten violence, Kiva turned pleading eyes to Mirryn, only to find the princess looking back at her with clear amusement. She did, however, recognize that Kiva was at her wits’ end, and calmly said to Nevard, “Why don’t we pick one for her, and send it along later. It can be a surprise.”

The tailor looked horrified by the thought, but he bobbed his head. “As you wish, Your Highness.”

He and his entourage swiftly packed up, leaving only the gown and a pair of matching slippers before disappearing out the door.

Mirryn, however, remained behind, reaching out to take Kiva’s hands.

“I heard you had an . . . incident . . . with Mother the other night,” she said. “Are you all right?”

Having not expected this conversation, and certainly not with Mirryn, Kiva haltingly admitted, “It . . . surprised me. She’s always been so lovely to me. So motherly. The change in behavior was, um, a little shocking.” And it had nearly killed her, but Kiva left that part unsaid.

Mirryn nodded solemnly. “I’m not defending her actions, but just so you know, she’d had a bad day. Father nearly fainted when they were celebrating the bridge opening, and it’s not public knowledge that he’s sick, so Mother feared rumors might start spreading. After they returned and he’d gone to bed, the angeldust helped her take the edge off. She only ever uses it when she’s feeling overwhelmed.” Quickly, she added, “But again, I’m not defending her. What she did to you —” Mirryn shook her head, then touched the amulet around Kiva’s neck. “I’m really glad Jaren gave you this.”

Kiva had no idea how to reconcile this new, concerned side of the princess, so she settled on nodding her agreement.

“You should also know, she doesn’t remember,” Mirryn said. “Mother, I mean. She was asking about you yesterday, wondering where you and Jaren were and wanting to make sure you were all right after reuniting with your family.” Mirryn’s blue eyes held hers as she went on, “She’s come to care for you, Kiva. Very much. Just like we all have. And I know it might be hard for you to believe right now, but when Mother loves, she loves hard. Especially those she considers family.”

A squeeze of Mirryn’s fingers made Kiva realize, with some shock, that she was being included in that statement.

“There isn’t anything she wouldn’t do for us,” the princess went on. “I know she’d bring down entire kingdoms if anything ever happened to Jaren or Ori or me. She wouldn’t hesitate to do whatever it took to make sure we were safe. Just as I know the same would be true for you.”