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The Last Watch (The Divide #1)(216)

Author:J. S. Dewes

She wound her fingers into his, his skin warm, almost hot. “I love you,” she said.

He leaned in, lips locking onto hers. He pulled her closer as the kiss deepened.

He let out a wistful sigh. “I should probably help load the SGL,” he said quietly, taking a step back.

She scowled. “You’re hurt. You should let the others take care of it.”

He flashed a grin and ignored her as he started for the door. “’Cause, ya know, the strength of ten men. And that’s without Imprints.”

She rolled her eyes as he disappeared around the corner. His playful smile warmed her heart, but too quickly the feeling grew tainted. She was well aware of his impending fate, and that she could do nothing to stop it.

She took a breath, steeling her resolve and deciding to focus on what she still had a chance to stop: the Divide.

She started down the hall toward their makeshift base camp, wanting to confirm they had every warp core they’d collected aboard the SGL, just in case. She stopped partway to wait as a line of soldiers passed toward the air lock, on their way to help transfer supplies. A flicker of recognition had her sticking her arm out to bar the last from continuing on. Seconds later, they were alone in the narrow hallway.

“Snyder,” she said.

The man stared at her arm, watching warily as her Imprints rearranged themselves. He stepped back and snapped to attention. “Sir.”

She crossed her arms. “Got anything you wanna say to me?”

“No, sir.”

She stared back at him. His eyes flitted to the ground, but he remained impassive.

“He wouldn’t say anything,” she said. “But I’m not blind.”


She gave a pointed look down at his hands. He rubbed his red, bruised knuckles and his face flushed. “Er, that’s just—”

“Rake,” Jackin’s voice called over her nexus.

Adequin ground her teeth. As much as she wanted to put this guy’s head through a wall, she was in fact trying to save the Sentinels, so murdering one felt like a step in the wrong direction. It wouldn’t do much for morale to start executing people.

She leaned in and lowered her voice. “If you lay a hand on one of my soldiers ever again, I will personally end you.”

Snyder’s face paled and he nodded quickly.

“Tell me you understand.”

“I understand,” he managed.

“Get the fuck out of my sight.”

He backed away, then scurried down the hall after the others.

She opened the comm link on her nexus. “Go for Rake.”

“Uh, meet me in the control room,” Jackin said.


Adequin headed back to the control room and a few seconds later, Jackin appeared. He pushed a stiff hand through his hair. “I saw a ripple.”

Her eyebrows shot up. “Just now?”


“How can it be that far in already?”

“I … don’t…” he said distantly, then sat at the terminal. She sat next to him as he slid through menus. Finally, he grumbled, “Shit.”


“Gate sensors are picking up a gravitational pull like what we were getting on the Argus. It’s still far away, but it’s starting.”