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The Light of Days: The Untold Story of Women Resistance Fighters in Hitler's Ghettos

Author:Judy Batalion

The Light of Days: The Untold Story of Women Resistance Fighters in Hitler's Ghettos

Judy Batalion

Map of Poland


In memory of my Bubbe Zelda,

and for my daughters, Zelda and Billie.

L’dor v’dor . . . Chazak V’Amatz.

In honor of all the Jewish women of Poland who resisted the Nazi regime.


Warsaw with a weeping face, With graves on street corners, Will outlive her enemies,

Will still see the light of days.

—From “A Chapter of Prayer,” a song dedicated to the Warsaw ghetto uprising that won first prize in a ghetto song contest. Written by a young Jewish girl before her death, published in Women in the Ghettos, 1946.

Cast of Characters

(In Order of Appearance)

Renia Kukie?ka: born in J?drzejów, a courier for Freedom in B?dzin.

Sarah Kukie?ka: Renia’s older sister, a Freedom comrade who takes care of Jewish orphans in B?dzin.

Zivia Lubetkin: born in Byten, a Freedom leader in the Jewish Fighting Organization (ZOB) and the Warsaw ghetto uprising.

Frumka P?otnicka: born in Pinsk, a Freedom comrade who leads the fighting organization in B?dzin.

Hantze P?otnicka (pronounced in English as Han-che): Frumka’s younger sister, also a Freedom leader and courier.

Tosia Altman: a leader of The Young Guard and one of its most active couriers, based in Warsaw.

Vladka Meed (nee Feigele Peltel): a Bundist courier in Warsaw.

Chajka Klinger (pronounced in English as Hay-ka): a leader of The Young Guard and the fighting organization in B?dzin.

Gusta Davidson: a courier and leader of Akiva, based in Kraków.

Hela Schüpper: a courier for Akiva, based in Kraków.

Bela Hazan: a Freedom courier, based in Grodno, Vilna, Bia?ystok. Worked with Lonka Kozibrodska and Tema Schneiderman.

Chasia Bielicka (pronounced in English as Has-ia) and Chaika Grossman (pronounced Hay-ka): two Young Guard couriers who are part of a ring of anti-Fascist operatives in Bia?ystok.

Ruzka Korczak (pronounced in English as Rush-ka): a leader of The Young Guard in Vilna’s fighting organization (FPO) and a partisan leader in the forests.

Vitka Kempner: a leader of The Young Guard in Vilna’s fighting organization (FPO) and a partisan leader in the forests.

Zelda Treger: a Young Guard courier based in Vilna and the forests.

Faye Schulman: a photographer who becomes a partisan nurse and fighter.

Anna Heilman: an assimilated Warsaw Young Guard member who takes part in the resistance at Auschwitz.

Introduction: Battle-Axes

The British Library reading room smelled like old pages. I stared at the stack of women’s history books I had ordered—not too many, I reassured myself, not too overwhelming. The one on the bottom was the most unusual: hard-backed and bound in a worn, blue fabric, with yellowing, deckled edges. I opened it first and found virtually two hundred sheets of tiny script—in Yiddish. It was a language I knew but hadn’t used in more than fifteen years.

I nearly returned it to the stacks unread. But some urge pushed me to read on, so, I glanced at a few pages. And then a few more. I’d expected to find dull, hagiographic mourning and vague, Talmudic discussions of female strength and valor. But instead—women, sabotage, rifles, disguise, dynamite. I’d discovered a thriller.

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