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The Masterpiece(125)

Author:Francine Rivers

“Nice gathering.”

“I’m glad you came.” Grace slipped an apron over her head. “You didn’t seem overly enthused when I invited you.”

“I wasn’t sure I’d fit in.” He’d decided this was his backyard, not Brian Henley’s.

Brian came in for the platter of meat. “Charcoal is ready.”

They all sat outside to eat, and Roman listened to the easy conversation rolling around him, answering questions when they were directed at him. Nicole said she had to leave and Grace walked her to her car. When she returned, Shanice asked if she’d gotten anywhere with Nicole. Grace shrugged.

Jasper told a couple of stories about working with a pain-in-the-neck kid at Masterson Ranch, leaving no one to wonder who he meant. Roman was less than happy about it, until others volunteered a few of their own stories of youthful pranks. Brian admitted he and a couple of high school friends stuck wet cotton balls all over the principal’s car during a Midwest winter. “It was three weeks before the weather warmed up enough to get them all off.”

Roman laughed. “Did you get away with it?”

“My conscience beat me up so much I confessed.”

Shanice faced Roman. “I want to hear what happened when you were resuscitated.”

Apparently, they all knew. “Grace did CPR.”

Grace shook her head. “There was a man who helped me, and then the paramedics. Tell them what happened, Roman.”

Was this why Grace had invited him? Roman didn’t like being the center of attention. “I didn’t believe there was a hell until I went there.” They all stared at him.

“That’s it?” Shanice protested. “That’s all you’re going to give us? Come on! We want to hear everything.”

Jasper chuckled. “Better do it. I have a feeling that girl doesn’t give up.”

Roman told them about the demons, the tunnel, the stench, the screams. He looked at Grace. “You and I had just been talking about Jesus. I wouldn’t have thought to scream His name otherwise.” Her face softened.

“Did you see Him?”

“What?” He faced Ashley. “I saw light and felt a hand grab hold of me. I didn’t see a face, but I know who it was.” He looked at Grace again. “I have no doubt Jesus saved me, but I don’t know why He bothered.”

Brian leaned forward, hands clasped between his knees. “He loves you.”

Roman gave him a mocking smile. “You think so?”

“God’s love and Grace’s prayers.” Shanice patted Roman’s knee. “Whatever the reason, it’s clear God’s not done with you yet.”

Jasper had said the same thing. “Well, you all know the Bible better than I do.”

They sat around the fire pit as the sun went down. Ashley had brought fixings for s’mores. Brian talked about camping with the Boy Scouts. Somehow, sometime during the evening, Roman stopped hating the man and felt absorbed into membership of this small group. These people talked easily about Jesus and the power of God.

Grace went inside to put Samuel to bed. Roman thought about following her. Brian was looking at him as though he knew what Roman was trying to hide.

Everyone helped clear the bowls and platters and gather the paper plates and cups. Pitching in, Roman took out the garbage. When he came back, Brian announced he had to leave. Church came early in the morning, and he’d better be wide-awake and ready to teach his band of little brothers and sisters. He extended his hand to Roman. Prince Charming had a firm grip and looked him straight in the eyes. “Let’s get together for lunch sometime and talk.” He produced a card. “My number.”

Roman didn’t want to like him. He tucked the card in his shirt pocket and watched Brian approach Grace. No kiss this time, but they had an audience. They stood close, talking quietly. The intimacy between them stung Roman. They embraced briefly. Brian and Nigel left. Ashley followed soon afterward.

Shanice sat with Roman on the wall. “Beautiful night, isn’t it?” She tilted a look at him. “Please be careful with my friend.”

“I haven’t done anything to earn a warning.”

“It’s the way you look at her when she’s not looking that concerns me.”

Had anyone else noticed, other than Jasper? “Maybe you’re the one who should be careful.”

Shanice didn’t pretend not to understand. “Brian, you mean. Believe me. I’d never do anything to hurt Grace. I’ve done enough damage already.” She stood and said she hoped she’d see him in church the next morning. He said he’d mention it to Jasper. As Shanice walked away, he wondered what damage she’d done and what it had to do with Grace.