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The Paid Bridesmaid(59)

Author:Sariah Wilson

Camden waved at me before he walked off with Dan. Sadie came over to hook her arm through mine. “This way, roomie!”

I followed her as she talked about the events so far, and how Hank had wanted to take everybody out on some old rowboats that he’d found. “But Dan shot that idea down right away.”

“What is his deal with the ocean?” I asked, glad I could talk again.

“His parents took him on vacation one year and they went snorkeling. Apparently some massive fish, it was like four feet or something, pushed up against Dan. It freaked him out and he’s never liked the ocean since then.”

“But he crossed an ocean and is having his wedding next to it.”

“Hawaii was always my dream,” she said. “This is how much he loves me.”

I’d seen dozens of in-love couples and I don’t know what it was about her words, whether it was the tone or whatever spell Camden had put over me, but my heart twisted so painfully at her words.

I needed that for myself, what she and Dan had. I felt that wanting fervently, so strongly, that it surprised me. I let out a big breath. “He’s a good guy.”

“The absolute best,” she agreed as she pushed aside the left tent flap. “So are his friends.”

“Dan may disagree with you. He told his groomsmen that they aren’t allowed to date bridesmaids.” Maybe that would put an end to her matchmaking.

“That’s just because he knows about our NDA and he doesn’t want Camden to find out about our arrangement because Dan’s concerned this might blow up in my face and affect my career. But he worries too much.”

I didn’t know quite how to respond to that. I actually liked having the non-disclosure agreements in place. I liked the professional boundaries they created, the way they protected everyone involved. I had once let those boundaries be lax, and they’d caused me an incredible amount of pain.

This way was definitely better.

A couple wearing the official glamping pajamas passed us, and I didn’t recognize them. I remembered how Sadie had told me that people were still showing up and would be up through the wedding. They were carrying champagne flutes and I immediately thought of Sadie’s mother. “Where’s your mom tonight?”

“My aunt Mandy promised to keep an eye on her. They’re sharing a tent.”

I should have asked about Brandy sooner. I kicked myself for not paying closer attention.

We entered the tent and she let the flap drop. Then she stuck her head back out. “Did you get everything? Are we all done?” she asked.

Hank called back, “We got what we needed. Thanks!”

I went over to sit on my cot and eyed Sadie’s cookies. I was torn between curling up and trying to go to sleep and asking if I could eat them. She stayed put, peering out between the two flaps.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

“Making sure the coast is clear.” She turned back to grin at me. “I’m sneaking over to Dan’s tent. It’s going to be like a real sleepaway camp!”

She’d told me she’d never been to one growing up, so I could understand her excitement. “That’s not like any camp I went to.”

“Didn’t you ever sneak out to meet up with guys?”

“No, I wasn’t a hot blonde. I had braces and a face full of acne.”

She just shook her head at me like I was adorable.

“Why are you waiting?” I asked her. This was her event. She could put on a crown and have an official parade over to Dan’s tent if she wanted to.

“Troy is being very dramatic over everything. I think he took me a bit too seriously and if I’m not in my own tent, I’m pretty sure he’s going to make a scene. He and his assistants are out there practically patrolling to make sure nobody tries to go back into the hotel.”

“That’s not really possible, considering they confiscated everyone’s keycards.”

“Like I said, he’s taking this whole doing-what-I-said-I-wanted thing a bit too far.”

“Well, that’s what we’re here for.”

But she didn’t seem to be listening to me. “Okay, I’m off. This is so exciting! I’ll see you first thing tomorrow! Unless I get caught!”

With that, she was gone. And she’d left her cookies. I figured that made them fair game.

I grabbed them and lay down on my cot. They were every bit as delicious as I remembered. I looked up at my mosquito netting and wondered if it was necessary or just some kind of accessory.

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